Ease of use
Extra Services
Supported coins
  • LTC
  • BTC
  • BLK
  • DOGE
  • XPY
  • PPC
  • RDD
  • VTC
  • DASH
+ 9 币种
Your private keys are stored by a third party and they have easy access to them.
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
2 Factor Authentication


Cryptonator Wallet provides web and mobile wallets, users only need a username and password to log in. It supports multi-currency services including Dash, and can also complete instant transactions. Not only that, accounts It also directly provides single euro payment area transactions denominated in euros. Cryptonator is a multi-functional online Bitcoin wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), etc. It can realize fast and easy direct transactions, and allows instant exchange of different cryptocurrencies in a personal account. Cryptonator combines availability with advanced privacy, anonymity and security to provide free multi-cryptocurrency accounts that can be used worldwide Access your laptop, desktop or mobile device 24/7.

Cryptonator wallet features:

Multi-currency account

Manage different cryptocurrencies in one personal account. Safe storage, Easily receive and quickly send Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash and other digital currencies.

Instant currency exchange

Instant and automatic exchange between Bitcoin and other supported cryptocurrencies, very attractive prices and free.

Anonymity and security

Bank-level security and next-generation account protection. SSL connection through HTTPS encryption, two-factor authentication and trusted IP.