Satowallet Exchange
Satowallet Exchange
Ease of use
Extra Services
Supported coins
  • BTC
  • ETH
  • LTC
  • ZEC
  • ETC
  • XMR
  • DASH
  • TPAY*
  • BCH
+ 59 币种
Your private keys are stored by a third party as well but they are encrypted with your password
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
2 Factor Authentication


Satowallet Exchange Wallet is located in Dubai. It is an open source Android, IOS and Web cryptocurrency wallet that supports more than 60 altcoins. It is centralized and allows you to access the blockchain without Store locally. In addition, it also provides users with the ability to exchange encrypted currencies into local currencies. As a security method, it features 2-factor authentication. In short, Satowallet is a collection of transactions, storage, investment, An app that integrates shares and protects users’ blockchain assets. Holding Satowallet stock (SATOS) can get 40% dividends every month.

Features Yes:

Multi-currency wallet--You can hold, receive and trade Bitcoin and multiple Altcoins with just one wallet account.

Internal Exchange-Trade Bitcoin and Altcoin with the lowest transaction fees, fast transaction engine and high liquidity.

Stalking mobile wallet-deposit your favorite POS coins into your wallet, and receive automatic stalking rewards every Monday.

Cryptocurrency airdrops-Directly receive multiple cryptocurrency airdrops to your wallet balance. With Satowallet, you will never miss any airdrops.

No handling fee transactions-Provides zero handling fee transactions between satowallet escrow wallet addresses for all supported currencies. Instant transaction confirmation.

Automatic currency swap and transaction-low-cost instant exchange between supported currencies. You can also use local currency bank deposits and withdrawals to buy/sell cryptocurrencies.

Security-Use 2fa, OTP, personal password, email verification and cold storage for security protection.

SatoWallet supports 68 types of cryptocurrencies. For the complete list, please click here.