Bitgo Wallet
Bitgo Wallet
Ease of use
Extra Services
Supported coins
  • BTC
  • BCH
  • BTG
  • XRP
  • LTC
  • ETH
  • ERC20
  • DASH
  • XLM
+ 100 币种
Your private keys are stored by a third party as well but they are encrypted with your password
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
2 Factor Authentication


One ​​of the most trusted top wallet providers in the Bitcoin field. An advantageous innovator, easy to use and intuitive design.

BitGo ( operates a Bitcoin security-as-a-service platform based on its innovative multi-signature technology. Bitgo wallet uses multi-signature technology to support by sharing keys between itself and users The provision of its products.

The BitGo Enterprise™ currently provided by the company is the first multi-signature, multi-user solution for enterprises and financial institutions Provide enterprise-level secure management of their Bitcoin holdings.

BitGo platform also allows exchanges, markets and e-commerce players to promote secure multi-party transactions. And these transactions are guaranteed by BitGo.

It is essentially personal-oriented commercial-grade software. It processes 1 billion US dollars of transactions every month.

Bitgo supports more than 100 currencies. For the complete list, please click here.