Data: The crypto industry grew $ 6.2 billion in the second quarter, up nearly 90% in the quarter.

2021-7-12 08:40
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According to statistics from The Block, in the second quarter of 2021, the cryptocurrency industry's revenue was $ 6.22 billion, up 89.6% from May ($ 3.271 billion). , with a total of 497 financings. . The original budget was 76 percent of the total with 202 and 171 patients, according to, and revenue from a budget of over $ 50 million is about $ 4 billion, or 70 percent.

Solana ApricotFinance's ecological DeFi platform partners with Oracle Protocol Switchboard to ensure the security of smart contracts
According to the press release, Apricot Financial, Solana's ecological DeFi platform, announced that it has signed a partnership with Switchboard, Oracle's ecosystem of the Solana platform, to ensure the security of smart contracts developed on the Apricot platform. Establish a corporate finance division with reliable data.
2021-7-12 08:45