Bitcoin / fiat currency for 83.78% of the US dollar, followed by the euro.

2021-7-12 06:45
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According to data from Coinhills, the US dollar currently accounts for 83.78% of the still leading bitcoin-fiat currency exchange, after the euro at 5.66% and the yen at 5.01%. Korean won (4.29%) and pound sterling (0.33%).

Twitter conversation over an hour ago: BTC # 1, FEG #. 2
According to data from, in the category of Twitter conversations in the last hour, BTC took first place with 303 conversations, FEG came in second with 172 conversations and BNB in ​​third with 103 interviews. 4 to 10 are DOGE (72), XTZ (63), ETH (61), SHIB (38), ADA (30), LINK (27) and NANO (21).
2021-7-12 06:14