Security Period: Digital Renminbi Accelerates Opening of B-End Market to "Strategy for the City" Reflection

2021-7-12 01:36
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The Securities Times published an article today. “The digital RMB accelerates the“ good performance ”of the B-end activity. There is much to think about. ”According to the article, the advanced technology project accelerated by 2020, and in the experimental area, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiong'an, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, Changsha, Xi'an, Qingdao and Dalian are "10 in 1" model, both cultural tourism, people It is rich in pilot scenes covering life services, school buildings, education, commercial channels, public wages, transport and passengers, demonstration blocks and special stages such as agriculture, countryside. , lwm. Experts said that with the continued promotion of the pilot, the B-side digital yuan business space has a lot of potential. With sufficient secure information for payments and cash transactions, this information can enable digitization for customers and complete management and collection of funds and business assets. In addition, it can help enterprises to complete shipping and deposit and other events, realize the internetization of traditional business operations, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

The crypto community is spending $ 1 million to repair FlokiInu, a Musk-inspired meme token.
According to cryptoslate, the crypto community spent $ 1 million to repair Floki Inu, a Musk-inspired meme token. However, recently the Floki token model seems far from ideal. In a recent press release, Tesla CEO Musk tweeted about Shiba Coins saying, "My name is Shiba Inu and this is Floki."
2021-7-12 01:18