OptionRoom: ChainSwap Hackers nyiag 12.3 lab ROOM Tokens
According to official data, OptionRoom, Polkadot's reliability and ecological prediction protocol, has been affected by the "ChainSwap stop integrated heritage bridge", and various operations, including OptionRoom, also affected by the theft. The hacker can get 2.3 million ROOM tokens from Ethereum and 10 million ROOM tokens from BSC. OptionRoom became aware of the hacks before the hackers sold their tokens and decided to cut Uniswap and Pancakeswap revenue to prevent token holders and traders from selling them as financial goods by thieves. By selling reseller tokens to Uniswap Lake, OptionRoom was able to recover $ 342,117. In this way, OptionRoom achieved the results achieved by the work of the liquid carrier. Refunds will be made according to the provider's allowance. OptionRoom is currently processing Ethereum and BSC data to determine the exact amount each token holder held during the hack, allowing them to place new tokens on the ROOM / COURT token holder. This process can take up to two weeks.
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