Polkadot Weekly: Seven Crowdrons were produced in Kusama and a total of approximately 490,000 KSM were collected.

2021-6-13 23:40
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According to Polkadot Week, 7 groups were formed in Kusama, with a total of around 490,000 KSM collected. 1. Shell Parachain was changed to Statemine Parachain by vote of the Kusama tribe and communities. 2. Gavin has announced a special time and another time for the Kusama race. 3. The Kusama Council has decided to update the Kusama runtime to 9040 Form 306. 4. Polkashots is researching ideas on new strategies for managing and delivering snapshots on the Kusama and Polkadot blockchains. 5. Parity Engineer Wei Tang has written some tips for improving Polkadot management and is looking for ideas. 6. Gossamer allows you to create your own Polkadot compatible channels in Go (similar to Substrat). 7. The Polkadot Board is currently voting on an enterprise Figment application to earn DOT and make it available to Figment Learn developers.

The Bitcoin ETF objective has increased its holdings to nearly 2,000 BTC since May 15.
According to the data, as of June 13, Perforce's Bitcoin ETF was 19,692.149 BTC, 284.51 BTC in the last 7 days and nearly 2,000 BTC since May 15.
2021-6-13 23:00