The Filecoin Venus standalone protocol has released venusv0.9.7-rc1, and a competing version of v0.9.7-rc2 will be released next week.
2021-6-13 14:18
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According to Filecoin community information, Venus community leader Joss has confirmed that venus v0.9.7-rc1 has been released and can be synced via network calibration. Venus v0.9.7-rc2 candidate version will be released next week, completing all upgrades to the venus module and supporting testing on calibnet and nerpanet. In the past, Filecoin has tweeted and advertised promoting the project, claiming that Filecoin promised to use four independent policies to support the network. The four treaties of independence are Forest, Fuhon, Venus and Lotus. Venus, formerly known as go-filecoin, was developed by Protocol Labs and is now responsible for IPFSForce. The goal is to interact with Lotus as soon as possible.
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