Chia Founder: Hpool implements an insecure process, but the Chia blockchain itself is still secure.
Chia Founder Bram Cohen has created some fear for the Chinese users in STTE. It is not sure that the acknowledgment is needed, but something repeated here. The network was believed by the user who claims whether the user has a local computer. Fuzzy's farmers are still a lot of space. That is not important. It doesn't mean it will lie network. A new and fast plotter is not a threat to network security, and it is better to float, quicker. This is a good thing. The networks are protected in a fashion center. HPool uses the negative rules of that default. The speed of Chia's block can be fully and located in the location that was identified, and the chain are still safe. The most important challenge in Chia is due to the full amount of the encrypted business and "safety" in China is intable. I don't know that this fear is inspired by someone's heart deceiving or young. HPOO does not help improve approval. We focused on improving safety safety. When hpool is like different ways.
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