A new concept by equal communities moves mineral resources from level 3 to level 4 and introduces the pool.
According to media reports, the Balancer community has announced new ideas to introduce a fourth layer (formerly the third layer) for drainage. According to the plan, the balancer will begin four weeks of V2 cash extraction in the hope of conducting support experiments with multiple lakes, but the division or distribution risk of BAL into three stages (fraction of 2,500 BAL) is too high. This slows down the migration of water extraction rewards from V1 to V2. If the consensus is exceeded, the liquefaction will be divided into 4 stages: Level 1 (T1): 15,000 BAL (4 pools, 60,000 BAL all in one), liquid pool Level 2 (T2): 5,000 BAL (9 pools, total 45,000 BAL per week), pool, Grade 3 (T3): 2,500 BAL (12 pools, total 30,000 BAL per week), contract pools; Level 4 (T4): 1000 BAL (10 groups, 10,000 BAL in total per week), test group.
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