Namibia Central Bank Warns Cryptocurrency Traders Won't File Complaint If They Cheat
According to News.bitcoin, the Central Bank of Namibia (BON) has warned that banks will not accept complaints if they get scammed by people who trade cryptocurrencies. The agency said it does not have a "law" to comply with the complaint because their current work does not include digital benefits. At the same time, Namibian banking expert Kazembire Djemburuka said in response to questions from local media that “GOOD, only the announcement of Namibia's fiat currency, has been denied, approved or approved by the public”. Hold, use and trade cryptocurrencies "However, the expert said that despite skepticism about digital advantages, the Namibian Central Bank is now" doing more business in cryptocurrencies ", announced, when this additional research is complete, BON says "we will. modify our operations as needed. "
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