Asproex (Apollo) launched the second favorite product list subscription on June 12
According to reports, Aspro-X (Apollo) on June 12 launched the second favorite product list subscription, and the number of listings is 700,000 shares, and the unit price is 7USDT. China. After Asproex (Apollo) announced on May 11 that it would approach the US company SPAC, the registration process entered a critical phase. . To give back to platform users, Asproex (Apollo) platform users can pre-register with Moon Financial Services and transfer them to the stock company after registering Asproex (Apollo). Asproex (Apollo) is an offshore company with a licensed business that includes Corporate Token Offering (CTO) token names, contracts, ETT index tokens, digital mining, digital banking and licenses under legal license in 5 countries. One stop shop for the digital list of global SMEs.
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