PancakeSwapV2 received a new charge and 0.05% of CAKE was burned by the buyout.

2021-4-23 10:37
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According to reports, PancakeSwap V2 is ready. The two current smart contracts need to be changed. The PancakeSwap value model will be updated. Based on the survey results, the new PancakeSwap rate will be charged at 0.25%, of which 0.17% will be distributed to LP token holders, 0.03% will go to Treasury, and 0.05% tokens. burnt.

The KCS fell below 11USDT.
According to KuCoin market data, the KCS has fallen below 11 USDT and is currently reported at 10.905 USDT, down 12.21% in 24 hours.
2021-4-23 09:42