Shandong Port Oil Supply Industry Whole Financial Services Platform Launched, About Blockchain Technology Application
According to Qingdao Daily, the 2020 World Petroleum Trade Conference was held in Shandong Port on July 28. In the meeting, Shandong Port participated with representatives of 29 domestic and foreign companies. Overseas, financial companies, refining and chemical companies to establish "Shandong Port Petroleum Products Full-chain financial trade and services platform." The platform connects upstream traders, oil and chemical companies Shandong downstream, banks and financial institutions, provides cutting-edge information, provides secure financial chain and use of blockchain technology, improving the ability to efficiently allocate capital, and "finally" providing end-to-end. end-to-end solutions for independent refining and chemicals companies, an end-to-end end-to-end program and a new transparent and open justice system.
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