More than 210,000 ETH are engaged in the Ethereum 2.0 testnet.
2020-7-29 09:57
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Meanwhile, Ethereum 2.0 agent Danny Ryan tweeted on July 29 that there were still 9,700 users before the launch of Medalla, a competitive multi-user network. According to data published by Danny Ryan, 213,888 ETH (almost 6,684 times 32 ETH) was sent to the Ethereum 2.0 testnet for loans. It also means that 6,684 participants will join the multi-user public test network on August 4. First, on July 23, Ethereum announced that the competitive Medallion multi-user network would be released on August 4 at 9:00 p.m. You will need 16,384 validators and 524,288 ETH activated for launch at launch. If the deposit does not reach the minimum deposit of 16,384 by 9:00 p.m. on August 2, the start will be delayed.
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