Southeastern University Haijun Mao: Jiangsu Province Has Problems Like Lack Of Skills In Blockchain Industry
In an article published on July 29 in China Water Transport News, Mao Haijun, director of Southeastern Jiaotong University and Jiangsu Transportation and Supply Chain Research Institute, said that the number of blockchain companies, the number of Jiangsu's patents and financial capital are similar to the neighbors. Compared with Shanghai and Zhejiang Province, there are some shortcomings, such as lack of human resources, lack of three economic rights and financial services. Considering the significant issues affecting the speed of application of blockchain in Jiangsu Province, it is recommended to strengthen research and rapid decision-making and develop better measures for the integration of technology and technology. blockchain industry. Specifically, we can focus on the following: 1. Develop a macro-development plan and address the characteristics of regional development. 2. Facilitate communication and interaction of all third parties and speed up the use of stage applications. 3. Establish professional training and strengthen the development of special forces. 4. Encourage improvement of demonstration area and improve efficiency of market concentration.
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