Central Secretary of the Treasury Huang Zhen: The US declaration of Bitcoin as a "currency" has significant international significance.
Believe in Chen Zhen, Central financial and can absorb the world's resources in the world, the technology used as the American Leaving the "currency" state of the batch on behalf of the little coin. "The United States has been able to control a little edge of some value and can be used as' government will complete the world." Bitcoin has been referenced. Because of an international merge is an internal combination of the world, a combination of gentle to some lands and countries . We must be careful where a little divided on the market, whether it is round? Huang Zhen, has also been said that the coin a bit means "currency" because US custodial as an example. Bitcoin application is now widely used and protected law of Bi-Teim's handwriting is also the world's issue. Therefore, the US has the significance of the world system for the small coins displayed as "currency".
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