Beijing Launches Application of 2022 National Level Advanced Training Program Subject: VR and Blockchain as Content

2022-1-11 17:24
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Golden Financial announced that the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Administration has issued the "2022 National Advanced Training Program Subject Selection Request Notification Notice." In terms of key concepts, the key concepts will take into account the needs of regions and industries in the field of mathematics and outputs such as virtual reality and blockchain, including key technology outputs, and support for the top of range, smart and green industries.

Shanghai Sanda College launched the first application of the concept of metaverse education in China.
According to data published by Pudong, Shanghai Sanda University has completed a collaborative virtual reality learning project. According to Yu Dongxing, director of the Institute for Educational Sustainability of Shanghai Sanda University, the metaverse education concept based on the joint Sanda-Xuxiang VR Education laboratory has completed the first phase of development with the content of VR learning and VR content. Education platform, the platform is the first application case based on the concept of Chinese education metaverse.
2022-1-11 17:18