Argentina Belo Mobile Wallet App Adds Lightning Network Support to Opennode

2022-1-11 16:40
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Argentina-based mobile wallet company Belo has announced that its platform has added support for the Lightning network through a partnership with Opennode, a provider of Bitcoin payment processors and infrastructure. The mobile app allows users to trade and exchange pesos and users can now pay bitcoin for trading.

China Mobile Telecommunications Association's Metaverse Industry Committee First-Selected Candidates Announced, Including 8 Listed Companies
On January 11, the official website of the Metaverse Industry Committee of the China Mobile Communications Association announced the first recruitment. The first list of 267 units and units was reviewed for compliance and approved by 65 / person (25 members, 40 members and 8 companies for sale). The listed company is Shenzhen Zhongqingbao Interactive Network Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd., Shanghai Fengyuzhu Culture Technology Co., Ltd., Tianxiaxiu Digital Technology (Group) Co., Ltd., Beijing Blue Cursor Data Technology Co., Ltd., Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd., Beijing Yuanlong Yatu Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Pingzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Huayang Lianzhong Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
2022-1-11 16:30