The Terra strategy seeks to extend UST Stabilitycoin to five different Defi protocols.

2022-1-11 16:22
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Terra Research has announced agreements to extend the Terrausd Stable Assets (UST) network to several plans: Polygon, Ethereum and Solana. The Terra Governance blog explains how the UST $ 139 million investment deal can support “good consumers” in the defining world.

P2E Gaming TankWarsZone Announces $ 2.37 Million Achievement in Seeds and Personal Finance
On January 11, the P2E Tank Wars Zone game announced the completion of a $ 2.37 million seed and finance fund. Phantom Foundation, DFG, JSquare, Newave Capital, HyperChain Capital, Prometeus Labs, ZBS Capital, LD Capital et al. of investments. Tank Wars Zone launches WBOND and TGOLD tokens. Among them, WBOND is a regulatory body with a total fund of 1,000,000,000 for the voting, gaming and NFT industries. TGOLD is a game utility used in the NFT industry, tank repair and overhaul.
2022-1-11 16:23