Hofu Innovation Zone adds ParaSwap on January 11 at 12:00 p.m.

2022-1-11 14:17
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According to the latest news, ParaSwap (PSP) was added to Hofu Innovation Zone on January 11, 2022 (UTC 8) 12:00 PM. ParaSwap is a DeFi intermediary product that provides improved performance for token exchange between end users and DAPPs. PSP tramlines are an important part of the design as they share PSP support from many manufacturers.

Huatie Emergency has established a strong partnership with AntChain.
According to the China Railway Emergency Management report of January 11, China Railway Emergency Management signed an agreement to establish a partnership with Ant Chain, an organization of the Ant Group. The two sides will cooperate in the field of blockchain, Internet of things, intellectual property and other technologies in technological development and other industries, to develop new tools to seek high trust, develop a legacy platform and support digital transformation. industry.
2022-1-11 14:16