BlackRock: The Fed will support the stock market because it anticipates inflation.

2022-1-11 12:55
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On January 11, BlackRock said it expects countries to live with higher inflation rather than loosening the brakes on price inflation. The Fed announced our rate hike this year (more than we expected), and the market appears to be bracing for a sharp rise in equity rates. The point is, the Fed announced a small, unchanged rate hike last week. We believe that historically beneficial responses to inflation should boost commodity prices by keeping prices really low. We love the product and will use the related product to increase the risk. We are underweight DM T-Bills (yields rise slowly but remain at historic lows). (Ten of gold)

Tencent plans to acquire Black Shark technology in the Metaverse
Golden Financial announced on Jan. 11 that Beijing Business Daily has announced that Tencent is planning to acquire game phone company Black Shark Technology. All and Tencent provide content, and Black Shark Technology provide access to VR Glass. Industry analysts believe that Black Shark technology is currently at an advanced stage in the development of the Metaverse Realm, and that there are two main factors involved in the Metaverse interaction. One concerns material capacities, access to the metaverse and the other concerns development services. , is also a metaverse and must be part of Creator Services. According to the investment, Black Shark is worth around 3 billion yuan, but Tencent reduced it to 2.6-2.7 billion yuan.
2022-1-11 12:40