Jay Chou announced last week to celebrate PhantaBearNFT's most high profile business.

2022-1-11 12:20
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On January 11, Joo Jae-beom posted on his Instagram account celebrating PhantaBear for the biggest spot on OpenSea transaction volume last week and saying, “I wasn't kidding when I said being number one is all that. that I can do! According to a packaging industry screenshot reported by Jay Chou, PhantaBear's packaging industry was overtaken by “Girl Ape” BAYC, which grew 529.03% to 16,851.10 ETH, while BAYC's volume fell 26.20% to ETH 16,721.06. The PhantaBear NFT series launched on January 1 and sold 10,000 NFT in 40 minutes, with the lowest price at the time of writing being 5.88 ETH (~ $ 18,344).

DODO Community Provides 2 Million DODO Imports to Polygon for Assistance
On January 11, DODO communities voted for the DIP9 policy, demanding the relocation of 2 million DODO to Polygon for support campaigns. Voting hours are from 12:00 p.m. on January 11, 2022 to 12:00 p.m. on January 14, 2022.
2022-1-11 12:06