US Media: Metaverse's race for talent intensifies, Microsoft's AR team loses nearly 100 employees, and many move to Meta.

2022-1-11 09:49
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According to LinkedIn data from more than 70 former employees who worked for the HoloLens team on January 11, they left Microsoft last year and more than 40 of them joined Meta, which supports the development of AR technology. . (beef)

Opening Week A: Shenzhen Blockchain 50 Index Down 0.05%
Golden Financial News, A-share open, Shanghai Composite Index 3,589.9 points, down 0.1% at open, Shenzhen Standard Index 14,402.22 points, down 0.03% at open, Shenzhen Blockchain 50 index closed at 3,796,705 points, never. % open. The blockchain industry fell 0.08% and digital profits fell 0.66%.
2022-1-11 09:27