Sequoia Capital is registered with the SEC as an investment advisor to invest in cryptocurrencies and trading products.

2022-1-11 08:56
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According to a report on the SEC website, Golden Financial said that Sequoia Capital, one of the largest companies in the United States, has registered with the SEC as an investment advisor to expand its industry. activity. Sequoia's first investment strategy is to support venture capital for Silicon Valley tech startups, and the change in leadership reflects the company's business expansion. In a Nov. 30 filing with the SEC, Sequoia Capital Operations LLC described the business of the company as follows: ideas to expand to achieve. " In its SEC filing, Sequoia Capital outlines the company's current strategy, which invests primarily in entry-level, start-up and growth companies in the industry, such as industrials and electronics. consumer, financial services and energy. Sequoia also said it will make commitments that venture capital firms usually don't, such as public offerings and crypto purchases, and that the company could become a promoter carried by the Special Operations Corporation (SPAC). . (The Wall Street Journal)

Aggregator NFT Flip Raised $ 6.5 Million in Seed Funding
According to the January 11 news, aggregator NFT Flip recently raised $ 6.5 million in a funding round led by Distributed Global and the keyboard market including Chapter One, CMS Holdings, artist NFT PplPleasr (Emily Yang), Red, DeeZe and Larry Cermak. Participate in The Block research. The funds will help Flip expand its existing team and launch the platform. Flip will collect NFT records, collection fees, inventory, and other business data and information, and the platform will allow users to view and track their NFT data in one place and aggregate multiple NFT portfolios. Build your own portfolio. The platform will be open to the public at the end of this month or early February.
2022-1-11 08:45