Polygon Announces Plonky2, Claiming World's Fastest ZK Scaling Technology

2022-1-11 08:15
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Polygon announced in a blog post Monday that Polygon Zero's "Plonky2" technology has set a new standard for speed and efficiency, which could be a key driver of Ethereum's throughput, Golden Finance reported. In a blog post, the Polygon team wrote: “Plonky2 is a remake of SNARK that is 100 times faster than traditional variants and is fully compatible with Ethereum. From SNARK., Supports recursion and lower costs of using Ethereum. " As previously reported, Polygon acquired zero-know tech developer Mir for $ 400 million and renamed it Polygon Zero. (Parts office)

Goldman Sachs raises Tesla's target price to $ 1,200, best product list in 2022
On January 11, Goldman Sachs analyst Mark Delaney added Tesla to his 2022 "favorite" rating on Monday, holding the "buy" rating and raising its target price to $ 1,125. . . .
2022-1-11 08:16