China Insurance launches the first digital RMB insurance coverage in Beijing

2022-1-10 21:38
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According to the Beijing Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission, Golden Financial announced that the Fengtai District announced "the right to national economic and social development in 2021 and to national economic development." and a development plan (draft) in 2022 ", and China Insurance is Beijing's pilot RMB insurance application. the first photo of. By 2022, Lize Financial and Business District will complete a regional demonstration of the law on digital currency and will attempt to establish an ecosystem of digital currency technologies and applications.

"Regional Stock Exchange Blockchain Innovation Pilot" Wins Central Bank's 2020 Financial Technology Development Award
Golden Financial announced that the bank has announced 163 awards, including the 2020 Fintech Development Award, “Regional Equity Market Blockchain Innovation Pilot”. The objectives of the Fintech Development Awards 2020 will be presented by a financial institution for financial institutions such as banking, insurance, finance, security and consolidation research and affect recent completion in the field of Fintech. technological innovation and application potential of industrial buildings.
2022-1-10 21:26