GameFi LAPLAP gamer social platform to announce new products in Q1 2022

2022-1-10 19:01
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On January 10, it was announced that the LAPLAP Thai community, a social platform for gamepie players in East Asia, was hosting New Years in Bangkok. q12022 uc. LAPLAP is said to have partnered with OKLink, both to do an in-depth search of GameFi data. GameFi Laplap gamer social platform promotes ad-to-profit ratio (divided by revenue), integrates all GameFi and SocialFi games, and supports building a transparent Web3 gamer ecosystem. The launch allows more players to find and participate in blockchain strategy games. do our best to make it happen. And sports culture is shaping the era of the metaverse.

ENSDAO elects its leaders for Q1 and Q2 2022
On January 10, the election of the leaders of the ENS DAO began for the first quarter of 2022, 4 working groups (management of the metaverse, ENS ecosystem, community, public services), each group The staff elected 3 leaders, the period January voting from 9:00 a.m. UTC for January 10 to 9:00 a.m. UTC for January 15.
2022-1-10 18:54