Jiangsu Bank rolls out the financial metaverse

银行科技研究社 view 16 2022-1-8 14:56
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Based on the recent research and decision-making of online financial development and the simple reasons of digital finance, Jiangsu Bank has combined its own efforts to create financial intervention to provide consumers with better financial services.

The metaverse refers to the virtual world connected and developed by science and technology, the virtual world that shows and interacts with the real world, and the digital address with new relationships. . In 2021, Jiangsu Bank will try a new model of financial services to combine the concept of metaverse with financial markets to create simple financial knowledge without having to visit financial markets, install financial applications or use transportation.

These actions have set the stage for events such as telephone fraud, financial product advertising and elder care, so that consumers can feel the change. Following the above financial services as the model and measurement fluid of the metaverse financial system, we regularly explore the structure of the metaverse financial system, continuously gain experience, improve customer service use products, and give people the opportunity to make the world a better place. place.

Jiangsu Bank's Chief Technology Officer said, “Customer awareness, customer engagement and service delivery are our core values ​​of the financial metaverse. "The metaverse stream. The key to the future. When you capture customers, you capture the heart of the future of financial services."

In the metaverse, consumers can understand money in a simpler and more understandable way, and banks can better understand customers. The assumption of a secure and integrated status complements financial services.


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