The Uniswap exchange rate protocol has been out for two months and the company has more than quadrupled the curve.

币圈子 view 19654 2022-1-21 10:14
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Uniswap新手续费协议上线2个月 稳定币交易量超Curve四倍以上

According to data from on-chain data analytics website Dune Analytics, trading volumes for Uniswap and Curve trading partners (USDC, USDT, DAI, MIM, UST, FRAX analysis) were 590 million respectively. dollars and 130 million dollars. . Uniswap is far ahead of the curve and more than 4 times apart.

The Defi exchange curve has been appreciated by heavy cryptocurrency users due to its relatively stable exchange characteristics, and by using TVL with a low curve, you can achieve volume that is no different from Uniswap V3. However, November later this year. , Uniswap concluded that it had to do with the new payment process introduced by Uniswap in November last year, just as Curve began to widen the gap rapidly in a short time.

Uniswap新手续费协议上线2个月 稳定币交易量超Curve四倍以上

Uniswap received a new payment.

In October last year, Uniswap's governing body discussed whether to raise the rate by 0.01%, and in November it received a majority vote.

Uniswap新手续费协议上线2个月 稳定币交易量超Curve四倍以上

The main reason for this agreement is to help Uniswap meet the challenges of Curve and DODO in emerging markets. , its counterpart is weaker.

The Curve stability coin market charges 3-4 principles depending on the price.

Dodo stable business charges 1bp.

Different rates allow LPs to receive relative rewards due to different risks. If the price is lower, the packaging industry will rise further, the year-end recovery of LPs will not be lower than other levels, and more LPs will be tempted to choose the 0.01% rate, making the cycle good.

The Curve market fell sharply on stable exchange rates.

Ryan Watkins, a blockchain researcher with 57,000 Twitter followers, also noted yesterday news that Uniswap's market value had risen sharply against Curve stock, just two months after Uniswap launched its new procedures.

And Curve said the height can also reduce operating costs.


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