Ergo can fight inflation and become a new store of value.

金色财经 view 65980 2022-1-21 09:26
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Since Bitcoin's inception, it has been argued that cryptocurrencies can be a reliable alternative to rising inflation. How are you doing that? Cryptocurrencies with fixed assets cannot provide additional tokens, so they have things like no debt and hold their value. Similar to Bitcoin, Ergo's token trading guarantees assets of around 97 million ERG (whereas Ethereum has no fixed wallet). Over time, inflation, whether slow or strong, has reduced the purchase of fiat currency for goods, services, and other assets, including cryptocurrencies.

So what are the options? How to reduce the impact of future financial inflation? Financial advisors often encourage investors to invest their savings in certain assets. Traditionally, this includes contracts, commodities and precious metals. Many of these options form the backbone of traditional banks. If you are new to cryptocurrency, you may have seen the trend of centralized finance (DeFi) versus decentralized finance (DeFi). To better understand the above, we would like to read related articles that discuss some of the principles of financial allocation.

Cryptocurrency offers people an alternative and a new way to invest. That said, there seem to be thousands of options when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Where do you decide to invest?

Before choosing a blockchain for investing, it is good to understand a few key questions.

What is Target Cryptocurrency Token Trading?

What is a send and is there a time limit for releasing tokens?

Is there a seed program (ICO)? Is it part of the developer and VC pool? If yes how much ?

What is a blockchain used for?

Is your project developed from the blockchain? What products do they offer?

Who are developers and developers and what is their purpose?

Is Puas yog blockchain decentralized loss centralized?

Is your application designed to open sources and reviewers?

One of the great things about the Ergo blockchain is that there is no ICO and no money or assets are pre-distributed for each developer or developer. If you look at other blockchain advertisements, there are many pre-distribution channels and use ICOs to raise funds. Ergo has finished the show and is developing a blockchain for future financial needs. The Ergo Manifesto is a publication showing all the inspiration and inspiration behind the creation of the Ergo blockchain.

Ergo isn't just a value retailer, it's a way to make more money.

Developers from Ergo, the technology leader in the blockchain industry, created (now Chainlink). They are former employees of IOHK (IOHK is the company after Cardano) and have played key roles in operations such as NXT and Scorex. Developer Ergo blockchain uses the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Outgoing) model ledger that Bitcoin runs on, but with the added benefit of a smart contract. This is called the Extended UTXO Model (eUTXO).

The Ergo platform is dedicated to open source, managed operations and collaboration with other similar blockchains (see UTXO Alliance and BPSAA). Cryptocurrency adoption and the future of the blockchain industry will truly require collaboration and being able to offer a wide range of services across multiple platforms. This holds the true potential of cryptocurrencies. In addition to value-added retailer, Ergo's dApps offer competitive products and services that are unmatched. Ergo is a leader in improving the future with features such as ErgoScript, Sigma Protocol (see White Paper II and White Paper III) and NiPoPoW (Non-Conversational Proof for Work Performance).

The following powerful tools are the foundation of an amazing dApp ecosystem.

ErgoDEX - Ergo's flagship dApp. It is the first exchange of UTXO models with Cardano and able to cross the chains.

SigmaUSD - New solution for crypto-based algorithmic stability protocol.

ErgoRaffle - A pseudo-crowdfunding application.

Ergo Auction House - Ergo's NFT hub.

ErgoUtils - dApp to create ErgoNFT and new characters.

Oracle Pool - The messenger connects the Ergo blockchain with the outside world.

These are just a few of the dApps currently published on Ergo. For more information on the ecosystem, visit Sigmaverse and explore the latest dApps developed by ErgoHack.

Ergo is a financial solution. We believe that Ergo and the equipment Ergo develops will become increasingly important in times of financial uncertainty due to rising inflation and the uncertainty it affects. If you have more questions about Ergo's capabilities, check out our website and ErgoWiki, and check out our community on Telegram, Twitter, and Discord. The Ergonaut community is one of the best in Ergo and that's why we created this blockchain. Finally, we are stronger in the community, and the feedback we receive has informed our tools and dApps to meet our social and financial needs.


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