Defi: The new loan mode

黑白数据协议中心 view 28083 2022-1-19 09:39
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Lending is one of the cornerstones of Defi Lego, How to better meet your loan needs, improve your customers' finances and get back on track, and improve your long-term experience or application. In this article, the author will help readers gain a new understanding of the new Defi Loans by explaining the new Defi Loan Metrics including AAVE V2, Alchemix, Tranchess, and Channels.


Thanks to long-term stable improvements and constant innovation, AAVE has become a major player in credit.

1) Stable interest rates

AAVE adds a fixed interest rate model to an existing floating model to meet customer needs for different loan rates, allowing users to borrow at the same interest rate for a long time without being affected by the investment .

If the user makes a fixed interest rate with a fixed interest rate SRt, then the average fixed interest rate is:


When user x repays the fixed loan at the interest rate of SRi(x) and the value of SBi(x), the fixed interest rate is:


By design, the fixed price is higher than the different value of the investment cost, and the USDC interest rate curve can be shipped.


2) Tokenization of payments

Perhaps the most important feature of AAVE V2 is debt tokenization, which provides the process and users with the following benefits:

simple codes

Designing and reimbursing usage costs results in designing and destroying tokens, simplifying the tasks of the process.

Users can hold simultaneous billing of different and multiple fixed prices. In V1, users can only be rated at a fixed or variable rate, while in V2, users can have multiple blend loans and multiple fixed rates, and most mortgage rates are calculated as the average weight.

Local Delegation of Line of Credit

Based on the idea of ​​a local loan team, users can perform various interesting tasks, including:

① Borrow from Cool Bag

Consumers can store business items in wallets, store lines of credit in wallets, and increase loans and mortgages while adding security assets, thereby improving customer satisfaction by using excellent furniture.

② Loans to improve investment

If users don't want to borrow money, you can allow loans to users who need more loans to increase their income and not spend money. For the process, the lending platform is also increasing.

③ Self-Returning Blow Gun

Credit delegation allows users to build a pool of machine guns that can generate income through a variety of policies, increasing additional investments and increasing income.

AAVE V2 certainly has other innovations, for example AAVE V2 loans allow users to directly transfer assets used to transform assets into other assets without cumbersome work by DEX, and uses collateral to pay expenses. Continuous innovation is an important part of AAVE being able to be a leader in lending.


Alchemix is ​​a new loan feature in the AC system, many people call it the future loan agreement (which provides future loans to pre-existing users).

The meaning of Alchemix is ​​recommended yfi user's future and pre-exceeded user prior to call. Join Alchemix based on the process, users to allow 50% of Alumdt Report to the Alchem ​​Plus Plus, or the Death Parties in defi income earned income. At the same time, in Alchem ​​Plums, the user has been placed in financial thoughts, and when the income will pay the president. At the same time, the loan of firm coin, and the financial income of Tokyo, will not be cared for the resurrection of Alchch Id. I. It is also why people call why does not use customer repayment, or future income. Of course, the same thing that should be decided if the fuse needs cannot be repaid for 0, debts that the user is repaid to the prices. The following products can help you understand the technology of more products:


Regarding the discovery of ALCX tokens and the financial support model, the author will not go into details. Currently, the Alchemix protocol supports Eth contracts, and the system volume has reached US$1.5 billion. Contracted and sealed containers can also go further. Alchemix has also proven itself in the use of high value consumer products and leads to higher rejections.

To cut

Tranchess is a BSC chain management device that meets the asset needs of different risk users. Many people say that the process of Tranchess is similar to hierarchical financial economics in traditional financial economics: people with no appetite for risk lend money to people with a high appetite for the risk. Tranchess also creatively uses chess pieces to symbolize treasures, and the author describes special techniques.

First, users can convert their devices to bQUEEN or eQUEEN by committing to BTC or ETH. The QUEEN card is tied to the value of a currency (BTC or ETH), and the total value of the clerk value = token value - value management Chess mining Mining gift and queen card can be divided into BISHOP and ROOK. BISHOP is a tool that low-risk consumers will be happy to hold. In addition to using QUEEN for distribution, you can purchase directly from USDC. And BISHOP can lend assets to ROOK insurers without interest, and the benefits are in line with the USDC loan value on the VENUS platform last week and the additional benefits created by the voting community. At the same time, you can earn chess mining income. ROOKs, on the other hand, are willing to take high risks and acquire assets that recipients are willing to hold, and can also buy directly using USDC. Rook holds loans daily from BISHOP holders, earning approximately 2x the leverage. ROOK Holder's Return = Token Value P&L - Interest paid on BISHOP Chess Mining Rewards. The figure below shows the relationship between the QUEEN, BISHOP and ROOK tokens using BTC as an example.


At this point, the reader should understand that the concept of Transchess is that BISHOP (people with low risk appetite) makes loans to ROOK (people with high appetite). Readers can also hear about income from other lenders when the exchange rate changes in the image below.


The bishop bishop had the most common amount of money if the price is dropped


ROOK holds more money when prices rise.

This makes Tranchess the main innovation, the rebalancing mechanism. Rebalancing is the process of resetting the payout rate (NAV) of QUEEN, BISHOP and ROOK to 1. The value of our tokens will also be adjusted upon resetting to ensure that all funds are held by all people unchanged. This will protect your BISHOP revenue and reduce your risk of catastrophic loss when business costs drop. ROOK takes advantage of a variety of options.

Overall, Transchess' new loans and redesign to meet various at-risk aids resulted in approximately $1.5 billion at close. This is also a problem that must be solved.

Canal V2

Channels are many new lending channels and the largest lending platform LP, security has not been an issue since the beginning. The upcoming V2 version of the channel also introduces many new features. The author often talks about leveraged lending and trading features.

1) Leveraged Loan

In traditional lending, users can only place their assets on the platform and cannot borrow assets to earn income. Channels V2 provides a solution for this, a combination of financing and credit using the resources of the same fund organization. This means that users can over-collateralize their loans to lend their assets or directly use the loan portfolio to earn mining profits. These programs not only meet the needs of lenders with easy access to tools, but also make lenders more profitable through better investment results.

2) Industrial marketing

Many Deep Defi users usually use loans to do this, loans secured through the commitment of BTC, ETH and other assets, then buy BTC, ETH and other assets to add commitment and without operations . Place for. These manipulations are no different from leveraged trading sites, but the manipulation steps are rather cumbersome. In response to this need, Channel V2 has added a unique campaign that basically distributes money to users in exchange for special investments. For example, Bob commits 1000 USDC of BTC to the channel, but he can use bargaining power to convert his contract directly to 3000 USDC of BTC and add a loan of 2000 USDC at the same time. By doing this you can get 3 times your old income when BTC survey. At the same time, using the leveraged trading feature also increases the user's total income, thereby increasing the mining rewards earned by the user. This undoubtedly meets the needs of people who want to utilize their assets and reduce their risk.

As a major credit company, Channel is constantly innovating to improve the financial performance of its customers, at the same time, in the era of multi-consolidation, Channel is always thinking about solutions for cross-border loans. Users are free to change their rent across multiple channels.

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After reviewing the development of the loan of loans, loan products is not easy to find the use of the use of equipment, which is much ways of developing DE 2.0. Defi is still a huge construction and lender. There are many capabilities that have the value of the discovery. I hope the developer improve the resources, but also the correct release user's ability. , Let the world feel not attractive.


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