Etherscan is updating 21 features in 2021. Where are you pointing?

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A year like 2021 is a critical year for Ethereum and the entire ecosystem. With the improvement and popularity of DeFi and NFTs, more and more users are starting to touch and use blockchain more than the word "blockchain".

Good marketing is a happy and rewarding experience for end users, but it's also an added challenge for developers and developers. Disruptions are everywhere and more users mean more problems and plans to make services safer and more reliable. But no matter how many years pass, Etherscan will not give up and keep growing.

By 2021, Etherscan has released 21 key components including but not limited to which can be categorized mainly for new promotional items and special items.

Support for ERC-1155 tokens

Following a long-standing request from the NFT community, ERC-1155 was phased into Etherscan within a year. Ethereum finally has blockchain research with support for ERC-1155, including:

Currencies Page

Last updated page

token page

go to the address page tab

On the trading page, it looks like a token exchange and a stock exchange.

Supports EIP-1559

The Ethereum payment process received a major update with EIP-1559 in August 2021, introducing dynamic fuel prices, size changes, and burn rates. Etherscan supports value, burn rate and dashboard display!

2021全年Etherscan更新了21项功能 指向了怎样的发展方向

Page de blocage Etherscan

Assistance Natspec

Etherscan Reader and Author Contract users get rewards, and in December Etherscan began supporting Natspec. Smart contracts with built-in Natspec now provide descriptions of read and write contracts to help users better understand each task they call.

Assistance Flashbot / MEV

The MEV destroys Earth Ethereum in 2021. It was used to hide deep in the dark jungle, but thanks to Flashbot's efforts, it came first. Etherscan did our job in early April, explaining the changes and blocking interference with Flashbot MEV for users.

Flashbots Protect is a service designed to allow users to export commercial products without preemptive strikes and other RAM attacks. Shortly after its release, industry events were still being promoted by Etherscan (even off-chain!).

Explorer-based services

Etherscan Block Explorer will be a huge hit in 2021. Etherscan and BscScan are still the two most visited websites in the world. Based on these two websites, Etherscan has designed browsers for 9 different blockchains.

2021全年Etherscan更新了21项功能 指向了怎样的发展方向

Kem Transaction Feature Field

Ethereum trading can do a lot. Released in March, Response allows end users to see at a glance what is working in the running market.

It is users' favorite in 2021, users like more content and request to add it to untapped market, CSV export, etc.

DEX trading pairs

Etherscan's DEX Tracker has listed the Ethereum DEX trading phenomenon for the first time. DEX Trading Pairs will expand its position in September to introduce trading partners and price charts for all ERC-20 tokens on SushiSwap or Uniswap v2 and v3. You can access this page by clicking the text button on the ERC-20 tokens page.

Name of the ENS

By 2021, users will be able to search for the ENS name in a search bar or search page. In May, Etherscan added the ENS name tag to the fund which configures owner (back) records to ENS names. Users can now see their ENS name in the browser instead of the string 0x....

Fix token holding page

The token viewer page can now show LP tokens and NFT inventory. As the NFT indexer grows, Etherscan will be better able to provide communities with greater NFT image and metadata freedom.

2021全年Etherscan更新了21项功能 指向了怎样的发展方向

Galerie NFT d'Etherscan

Look for smart contracts

It is an obscure tool used by visible developers. Launched in February, users can search for specific content across all Ethereum-backed smart contracts. Users can update their searches through multiple filters, from Solidity version to release date.

different contract verifier

Launched alongside smart contract search, this unique tool allows developers to compare the similarities or differences between two smart contracts on one side.

change change change

Developers who wish to explore transactions directly on Etherscan can open the exchange and click on the […] menu and select Transaction Decoder.

the data is incorrect

Error messages can cause serious problems for some users. Phishers use URLs containing coin recovery information to trick users into opening malicious websites. This work took into account some considerations when measuring user security with the use of non-censorship.

Soundness rule error terms quickly followed in October.

security alert

Using Ledger as its first partner, Etherscan announced devices allowing third parties to submit applications to Etherscan. Ledger directly indicates the address associated with the Etherscan security issue.

IDM (input data message)

IDM functionality has been around in Ethereum for a long time. In October, Etherscan announced an easy-to-read guide that included these themes in this type of discussion. Messaging is basically used for Ethereum wallets.

Multi-channel search function based on block analysis

In July, many EVM users received a feature allowing them to easily identify if a chain's address was used for another chain supported by Etherscan's block explorer.

Multi-File Source Code Search

This multi-data search saves developers a lot of time by sifting through code length.

more market

In 2021, Etherscan will add more trading functions to the extension page. Continuous change content and NFT change are two important factors.

Search offers

The detail page received a nice update in November. Users can browse the company by following the IM message (or command). Turn-based trading just got easier.

Sparkline Diagram for ERC-20 Token Custody

2021 is one of the first announcements. The Sparkline chart shows the number of token holders over the past 7 days. It is a good indicator for traders.

API update page

Finally, an update to API data and page entries. Starting in August, users will get a clear view of the different API plans, a full list of API extras, helpful getting started instructions, and more. Using the Etherscan API has never been easier!

These are the 21 feature highlights of the 2021 version of Etherscan.


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Tags: NFT Etherscan
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