How will Yuan Cosmo World users choose the virtual avatar?

36氪 view 72988 2022-1-18 09:38
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Editor's Note: It looks like the Metaverse is coming soon. Anyone can enter the virtual world as a virtual avatar. How do users choose their virtual avatar? It's an interesting question, and the reasons and options behind it aren't as straightforward as one might think.

He helped improve "Second Life" for many years. On the one hand, I was frustrated with my early career, and on the other hand, it was difficult to start a business, so I was very frustrated with what I was doing. This year. I remember when my parents came into the office and watched Mylanta and a bottle of wine at the table. Despite the turmoil, the year paid off and I had the opportunity to participate in a number of profitable business ventures that create product demand and innovation, partnering with the best of the bunch, and eventually grow well.

The metaverse is in turmoil right now and a lot of people are asking me for lessons. The young entrepreneurs who came to me when I created Second Life are still too young, and it's important to remember the past, so I've been writing a lot of blogs to write for years.

For reference, I released Second Life in 2003. Some memories may be blurry.

Introduction to the virtual avatar system

By default, the choice should be human, but you can correct the lack, apply materials to the body, change clothes, skin, etc. The system has several "binding points" which can be thought of as graphical points on the head, shoulders, chest, etc. You can add something else to it. If you want, you can try on a Mickey Mouse costume, or you can create a virtual avatar which is a dot-attached costume.


Users do not like to dress up in public places.

Since Second Life is rarely an offline format and is an immersive streaming world, we need to find ways to show that the user has changed their avatar. Changing clothes in public can scare users and onlookers can see something, so why not just get naked? What happens if a user makes a mistake or switches from person to person during sex? "Second Life" is a virtual world, but dressing up practice is not easy. How to introduce privacy for new users?

We have tried many ways and some have succeeded. For example, we ended up renovating the locker rooms and private screens. If the user wants to change the avatar, it is surrounded by boxes so that no one can see what you are doing. However, this has its drawbacks. There's a hybrid privacy mode where your virtual avatar will stand up and stretch out your arms and legs because your friends won't be able to comment when you change clothes.

Privacy is on point, but users still want to strip down and see what they look like. I don't have a vagina. However, some smart users are too old to add it with a link. Alas, villains!

The tree "Who am I" has decided

In the virtual world, you can be whoever you want to be. Some people have symptoms that rarely change, while others change in appearance throughout the day. New users (especially those unfamiliar with setting up RRG roles) follow the decision tree:

reality? (Actually cartoon like avatars).

If you like photorealism, is it me or someone else?

If you don't like photorealism, choose Aspiration, Exploration, or Extreme.

Ambition Mode: Tall, buxom and muscular.

Looks: Naturally but not like you (try different genders, ages, body types).

Limits: What happens when you push a parameter slider all the way to the limit? How to run like that?


teenagers are researchers

Who likes anonymity, looking good? Youth. So we created Teen Grid, a Second Life change that's only open to people between the ages of 13 and 17 who need parental permission. At first we were intimidated by their photos, but gradually we understood. Between "kids" and "adults," teens like to explore both at the same time.

neither too big nor too small

Everyone wants a dragon, so we limited the height of the avatar. The minimum height is to display the default avatar in the virtual world, but we have increased the height to "adults". Why? This is to prevent child pornography. I don't blame. With virtual children's clothes, some people will do the dirty work.

not too close

Nick Yee has studied in depth the interaction of virtual avatars in the virtual world and observed that the virtual and real worlds share the same culture and manage the distances between them.

Female avatars usually get free stuff.

Like Second Life, it's easier for female avatars to get help and it's easier for them to get free stuff from other players. Gender determines what we do to each other, even in a world of avatars, where other people's wives don't know it.

learn more about the model

We haven't had many Second Life players for a few years, so it's hard to double down on virtual exploration. Then you have enough templates to find something interesting. What will the average behavior look like over time? How do avatars differ from country to country, how do Brazilians differ from Americans, and how do Japanese? Can you draw a general model to show how your personal users choose?


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