Tesla started Dogecoin payments for the product, but there were setbacks.

Cointelegraph中文 view 17593 2022-1-15 09:12
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Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced that Tesla will now accept Dogecoin as a payment method for the company's products. You can purchase DOGE-enabled products from the Tesla Store by sending DOGE to Tesla's Dogecoin Wallet.

It now accepts DOGE, but the company has made it clear that it will not accept other cryptocurrencies either. The company said it cannot accept any other non-DOGE assets on its website. The company told customers that "no Dogecoin digital assets shipped to Tesla will be returned to customers."

Additionally, products purchased from DOGE cannot be "returned, exchanged or cancelled". Tesla decides the entire sale by DOGE final and without cash.

Tesla products can be purchased with Dogecoin
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 14 janvier 2022

Billy Markus, the founder of Dogecoin, immediately responded to the statement by shouting out to the Dogecoin community. Markus tweeted: "Hello Dogecoin community, we know what to do."

The Dogecoin community responded quickly. Some people tweeted that they bought the product with DOGE. Shortly after the announcement, Twitter user Komaandy Dogecoin posted online screenshots of the order: "Tesla Tequila is shipping to Germany!"

A month ago, Tesla confirmed that it would start accepting DOGE as payment for purchases. With this announcement, the value of coins Even during the jump jumped by 25%. Home prices rose 18.63% in the period following the start of DOGE payments on Friday.

In December, Musk compared his thoughts on DOGE to Bitcoin. According to him, "Dogecoin was a scam, but it deserves more marketing." DOGE has an added value that encourages its users more than using it as a store of value.

Meanwhile, Tesla may not be the only company to start using crypto payments this year. Small businesses will still receive cryptocurrency payments in 2022, according to a Visa survey.


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