The Blockchain Token Industry and the Power of Implementation

通证经济 view 33 2022-1-8 21:25
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In the future, most businesses will become a tokenized business, rewarding all participants for their participation in building the entire ecosystem. Those who have contributed to a particular business will receive a business certificate. For example, the consumer buys a specialized business. Merchants and businesses send their tokens to consumers. In the future, ordinary Chinese households will continue to have commercial tokens by consuming, enjoying great benefits through business development and achieving prosperity through integration and shared ecology.

Token industry application scenarios include 10 models: currency model, traceability model, miner model, capital model, data model, model model, fan model, point model, model services and storage models. In particular, in the context model, in the blockchain and token economy, the concept itself is virtual currency. The content cannot be tied to the blockchain and is a form of copyright. Content is tradable and profitable in the token market. Many blockchains provided actual content. The token market point of sale model can accomplish different service and care by attracting, supporting and motivating customers according to the culture. As the consumer benefits the business, the business refers the customer and the business rewards the customer with content based on this form. Since the content itself is a kind of virtual currency, consumers can benefit from the development of the business as a result. Businesses and consumers engage and collaborate to build successful business partnership, token commerce, food industry, and to create community of interest and power of destiny.


And this is the main idea of ​​energy consumers.The Power of Health believes that every business in the world is supported by consumers and that consumers should receive rights and benefits based on the value of their cooperation. The basic principle of electricity consumption is to recognize all the rights and interests of consumers, and enterprises will share part of the total market value with consumers accordingly. It depends on the people. Reaching a new era of innovation, a change in energy regimen and a way of eating that affects all aspects of eating.

The era of token marketing and consumer marketing has arrived. The flow of traffic, approvals, applications and the limitless status of the token market will inevitably become the next generation of time, and understanding these standards will lead to sharing and wealth.


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