Jack Dorsey dit que Square a rejoint Bitcoin Mining

比特范 view 195604 2022-1-14 09:04
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In October, Square CEO Jack Dorsey announced that the financial services company (later renamed Block) had decided to build a Bitcoin mining system.

Three months later, the idea became reality.

“We are developing an open source Bitcoin mining system,” Dorsey tweeted to Thomas Templeton, president of Block Hardware. ~

According to Templeton, Block is developing a low-cost, low-cost Bitcoin mining platform that is quiet enough for everyday home users. Regarding reliability, Templeton writes that mining rigs “take a long time to restart because they don't run almost every day. We want to make platforms that work ”.

In mid-November, Square released a free copy of the exchange for Bitcoin mining, including the exchange of Bitcoin for fiat in its TBD building.


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