The Metaverse animated film "Belle" takes you into the virtual world.

元宇宙之心MetaverseHub view 39832 2022-1-13 09:25
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Everyone seems to be talking about it since Facebook announced the name change.'One world'.

Meanwhile, director Mamoru Hosoda praised the latest animated film "Bell" as a clever retranslation of "Beauty and the Beast", set in a world resembling a virtual metaverse.

Trailer for "Belle" (The film was produced by Chitsu Studio and directed by Oscar nominated director Mamoru Hosoda, creator of "Future", "Wolf Children" and "Summer Wars" and other videos: GKIDSmovie

Director Mamoru Hosoda has long wondered what the virtual world could mean for our relationship. For example, he pointed out Digimon: Three Games of War and, most importantly, said in the 2009 Summer War, thinking of a new world where everything goes through a digital environment. Ten years ago, the idea seemed strange. Now it looks like foresight.

The internet has changed over the years, and it has happened in the Belle movies.'Belle' explores both real life and online life with online inspiration, and highlights the positive and gorgeous growth of modern girls in the dating age.

Suzu, the heroine of the film, is an ordinary 17-year-old high school student in the countryside with her father. One day, he entered the "U", a virtual world with 5 billion users. There it was not Suzu, but an international singer from Bell. He also meets an immature "animal" and joins him in adventure, adventure and love in his quest to become real. It also covers online culture and covers specialist topics such as cyberbullying.

The virtual world "U" in the movies is almost beyond the reach of the skyscrapers and avatars of 5 billion users.This is the kind of virtual square that Jack Dorsey (founder of Block and former CEO of Twitter) dreams of.

The 3 minute video below provides a glimpse into the virtual world."you", worth seeing!

For Hosoda, this is not only an opportunity to revamp the anime for the long haul, but also an opportunity to revamp their view of the virtual world of the future.

“Bell” will be released in select IMAX theaters in the United States on January 12 and released on January 14.

For this, The Verge, in particular, started with HosodaDiscussions focused on the Belle films, transforming Hosoda's ideas into the Internet, the creation of the virtual "U" system and the destination of Metaverse.

元宇宙动画电影《Belle》来袭 带你一睹虚拟世界

"Belle" Director Mamoru Hosoda Photo: Stefania M. DAlessandro / Getty Images

signal:This is not the first time that I have tackled a subject like this. What inspired you to revisit the history of the virtual world and the Internet? To do

I have fond memories of the internet related films on Digimon: Our Game of War, dating back to around 2000. In addition to our own reality, I like the theme of the claim that major events or incidents in this area can affect us in one way or another. understand the truth.

Back then, the internet was a very young and fashionable place for young people, and I think the internet was a hope for children to break our heritage and create a new world. So these ideas circulating on the Internet really appealed to me and made me happy.

元宇宙动画电影《Belle》来袭 带你一睹虚拟世界

signal:The way the internet works has changed over the past 20 years, and much of what is researched about present day history has become a reality. Have you changed yourself? Are you optimistic?

Of course, the internet has changed a lot over the past 20 years. One of the biggest changes, or shifts, is that we've all interacted with the internet in one way or another. The internet affects our lives, regardless of age or population.

As a result, our real world and the other real world that exists on the internet have been connected to the internet for the past 20 years, bringing many problems to the internet, such as protecting the internet. Negative thoughts. A lot of parents will say “The internet is bad” and take their child's iPad and say, “We don't want you to be online”.

But the internet doesn't have to be bad, but I think it revealed a lot of negative aspects of people in this area. The problem is not the Internet, but how we humans and this anonymity are changing us and changing our behavior.

I think the online content will stay the same and that young people will always use it to find new ways to innovate and push the events quo. I think there is hope on the internet.

signal:For Bell, do you want to rediscover or reinterpret the story of Beauty and the Beast? Where does the concept of metaverse come from?

Since I was little, I think about the story of "Beauty and the Beast". So the idea of ​​reinterpreting Beauty and the Beast came to me first. What really fascinates me about this story is that its benefits seem to be changing one way or another. What we think is beautiful becomes ugly, and what looks ugly is beautiful in it. For 30 years, I have wanted to define beauty and the beast. It took me 30 years to do it, but in the end I did.

What language do you write? I realize that the Internet is very much based on the concept of Beauty and the Beast. Because they both have those two senses in common sense.

In Beauty and the Beast, the beast is vicious and vicious on the outside, but very different on the inside. Likewise, with the development of the Internet, we humans have our own real life and Internet clones.

A similar situation happened, and I think descriptions with similar concepts would play a bigger role.

元宇宙动画电影《Belle》来袭 带你一睹虚拟世界

signal:It's a long time to define, what did you meet along the way?

In some of my previous work, I tried to explore some of the concepts in Beauty and the Beast, but Belle picked it up and rectified it.

Another reason Belle turned 30 was because of change.

There are many ways to interpret the story of Beauty and the Beast, you can go back to Disney 30 years ago, Jean Cocteau in 1946, or go back to the original. The organization has changed a lot and I think the descriptions should be adapted in the same way to suit different audiences and different contexts.

To me, the concept of beauty seems different from the original. Beauty is a very special concept.

I think the Disney version of 30 years ago really explored the duality of the beast. But today I think the second part goes further and applies to the concept of this beauty. Here the protagonist has to overcome certain obstacles in order to gain power, infuse himself with power and use it in various ways. The energy itself is a beautiful sight.

signal:What do you mean by the graphics and functionality of the virtual "U" world in the movies? What is your goal in helping your audience connect technology to real life? Or do you want something more futuristic and sci-fi?

I think the internet has changed a lot over the past 20 years. Watching my previous videos, while trying to figure out what the internet concept was, I chose different backgrounds and colors. It's very nice, and it looks detailed and understated, like a sharp edge. It can also be made into a blank canvas if you want. It's not just a place for boys, it's open to women, young people and everyone involved.

But, as I said before, the Internet has changed a lot and is very close to reality. So when we think about how to say that, to catch it in the middle eye, we end up with what you see in "U". Locations do not have to be on the top or bottom, left or right. It is full of patterns in the shape of a skyscraper. Feel a little cramped. Don't be open to my previous videos. It looks like the center of the earth and it's hard to tell where the horizon begins and ends. It is the modern translation of the Internet to me.

signal:How do you feel when you are online?

He may not be as happy as he used to be. When you search for something online, you tend to find something new that you haven't thought about in the long run. It has lost its sense of the border, or a really big open space, and maybe the change will make it empty and become a new place.

I apologize a little to the young people because there won't be a lot of borders, and I think the website needs some changes so that they can continue to innovate and bring the status quo.

signal:If you see meta points or different virtual globe, there are some conversations containing equipment and software, or seller shouted for all places. Therefore, in "u", no points seem added to the supportee. I want to know a lot, why this decision?

The internet is, in many ways, a new world, and I think it represents how much of a world where languages ​​and borders don't play a major role. "U" is designed to capture sensitivity.

However, in some ways this idea of ​​the website really had to do with marketing which made it amazing that it was ever known. Currently, the Internet is influenced by big companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple. They are in many ways a global company, but at the same time a Western or American company that controls the direction of the Internet. I think we need a place, a place and a reality that can go beyond the needs of the company.

Even in the "U", social media icons are part of the "U" world. Many social media networks or companies do not create the platform, but are a part of it. I believe we need to venture further into the world we dream of.

signal:Every business you just say "we want to be our own business". What do you think about this?

I didn't expect Facebook to change the name when promoting our new videos. In a way, we're talking a bit far, but what looks like fiction has become a reality.

Of course, this transition is very large because it happens in real time and the film will be broadcast all over the world. I think we still have a long way to go to understand each other in the virtual world. But the future seems to be heading in this direction. Many questions from the film can come to mind when we change direction. So, as we move into the next phase of the internet, we hope to engage our audiences in new ways.


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