How does XR open up the metaverse between virtual and real interactions?

元宇宙见闻 view 47674 2022-1-12 09:44
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The concept of metaverse exploded in the tech world last year, but there is still no clear and precise definition of metaverse.

However, no matter what the metaverse means, its meaning doesn't change. in other words,With the experience of XR (Extra Power, Extra Power), the integration of XR technology and tools will improve the user's life experience. .

What is XR?

XR refers to the creation of a virtual environment in which people and computers can be influenced by the integration of virtual reality and virtual reality through a computer.

Virtual reality and augmented reality are the main elements of the XR concept and both offer a virtual reality experience.

Virtual reality is the use of tools to simulate the virtual world, use computers to create simulated locations, show the interaction between users and the virtual world, and provide an experience of the virtual world and enter the virtual.

AR uses computer graphics technology and visualization technology to create virtual objects that do not exist in the real world, and clearly "places" virtual objects in the real world, providing users with a real world mix. and virtual world. Environmental curiosity more than experience.

Advances in 5G technology and 5G networks have resulted in increased demand, driven by the integration of AI technology and vision computing, driven by new tools capable of industry participants, as well only through VR, AR technology and applications, integration and integration models have been introduced. . , MR, XR and other phenomena.

XR will create a world of virtual and real integration.

In a completely human-centered world, you don't have to choose between the real world and the digital world, and switch between the virtual and the real anytime, anywhere.

It allows you to summon objects and props from around the world at will and take memory and experience to a superhuman level.

It is quite natural, any kind of subversion of man-machine relations, quite according to the needs of the scene, and even the existence of an invisible interaction,really where all the time.

XR - virtual and real intersection in the metaverse

"Metaverse" refers to the next generation of the Internet, if not the end of the Internet.

XR devices such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will be the only way to access the metaverse, as the real world is the key tool to 'connect' the virtual world through the metaverse.

XR technology can be seen as the intersection of virtual reality and metaverse.

The future development of the metaverse includes two indicators.

One is really for the virtual

Based on real-world practice through the virtual world, it enhances the real-life digital experience by developing past digital experiences and addressing the mathematical realities of real experience.

In the age of mobile internet, the virtual world is generally made up of two formats: text, photos and video.

In the Age of the Metaverse, the real physical world will be recreated by the virtual world and the virtualized parallel world will be created.

Second, from virtual to real

Going beyond real-world practice, it provides people with real-world interaction and diversity in virtual reality events based on the self-creation of the virtual world.

This can not only create value in the real world, but also impact the real world, in terms of digital awareness.

XR virtual creation technology creates both in reality and beyond, giving you more ideas and creativity.

In the future metaverse ecosystem, XR will bring more accumulation of technologies and breakthroughs to achieve a high degree of integration of virtual and real world.

The future is here - the XR industry will finally explode

Mark Zuckerberg thinks the XR is the next generation of computer technology, and why the XR is called the next generation computer is simple.XR can usher in a whole new world, and it is still one of the most important technologies in Chinese times.

Not only are there current technological capabilities such as intelligence, blockchain, and big data requirements, but the requirement of the golden triangle for calculating functions, algorithms, and data is also high.

At the same time, it places higher demands on performance and higher standards for software knowledge and hardware functionality such as optics, chips, sensing, intuitive interaction, technology and function.

As a hardware medium that needs to be integrated at the consumer level on a daily basis, XR products are more reliable and broader for reliability, accuracy, real-time, higher usability, usability and cost for all levels. of technology.

Neural awareness and brain communication may be the best solution for XR situations.

Just like 20 years ago, it was hard to imagine and predict the changes the internet would bring to our lives and our people, we would never be able to imagine the changes that XR would bring when we met in the future. 20 years.


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