Bankless: Ethereum, Buterin "Endgame" to suit all streams

比推 view 66806 2022-1-10 09:21
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Troubleshooting: Buterin joins the latest episode of the Bankless podcast to show Ethereum viewers the path and plan for a better future blockchain but for the benefit of anyone who wants to use zis technology.

In the latest issue of the Bankless podcast, we once invited Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin (later known as V God) to share Ethereum's roadmap, which has five major milestones, namely the success of Ethereum. China's survival and prosperity will play an important role.

To achieve ultimate distribution and optimized scalability, Buterin said Ethereum needs to create “more and more” blockchain data to accommodate more users.

Bankless : V 神 “终局之战” 一个能海纳百川的以太坊

Roadmap presented by V God on Twitter

The first phase is called "Collaboration" and is the completion of the PoW for the PoS transformation to be completed in the first half of 2022. When asked when he thought the whole integration could be done, Buterin said that "in six months".

The second is called "The Surge" and aims to improve the performance, bandwidth and overall capacity of Ethereum, especially in zk-rollup.

The third is called "The Verge" and allows multiple users to run the node. God V explained that this is essential for the freedom for the whole process of involving the network as much as possible, making it accessible and accessible to everyone.

Although Ethereum has performed well in 2021, including the London Hard Curve and EIP-1559, which reported fires, high oil prices are still looming.

As V God explains, the above two steps can reduce Ethereum's fuel cost. “The ability to get more commercialization from the chain means more space, so there will be no combat oil and ultimately all consumer exchange rates will be reduced. "

When asked to comment on the improvements Ethereum has made over the past six years. V God replied, “Right now (success) is only 50%. When the union is over, we can say that it will reach 60%. However, once the sharding system is complete, this increase can be as high as 80%.

Bankless : V 神 “终局之战” 一个能海纳百川的以太坊

V God also said that he would estimate that it would take another year to complete everything that was written in the book.

The increase was based on the "Verge" (Verkle Trees), allowing more users to run nodes. In essence, Buterin said, "To have as many free attendees as possible, make it accessible to anyone who wants to use the channel."

Previously, V God also published an article titled "Endgame" in early December 2021, in which he described three solutions for Ethereum to make Rollup a priority. In this article, he believes that all blockchains will eventually be integrated into a huge blockchain. This section also describes the tools that can be used to block access to censorship and censorship-resistant applications.


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