NFT art avatar project with vision, do you think it can catch up with the avatar craze?

链茶馆 view 24 2021-12-3 18:18
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M101 Sanctuary specializes in creating secondary characters, ready to travel through a galaxy of adventures, take on new challenges in life, and struggle to solve the mysteries of the sanctuary.

Choose from six different lives including gorgeous 1: 1 fairy tale paintings and name them NFTs. This race through galactic journeys into the future.

A special story on M101 asylum is to come. Discover our walking tour. There is a long-term improvement plan here, with initial instructions for the M101 collection and special benefits reserved for holders.

Worldview M101

Since Fold appeared on the edge of the rim, the start date has only changed by 12 points. When the probe crosses its line of sight, all signals immediately disappear.

Plus, the folds are on the move and soak up more soil in the process.

But with precautions, luck, or wealth, a handful of survivors from different galaxies can escape from a folding aboard a small interstellar spacecraft.


Now they're looking for a new plane with warp technology for safe homes and families, and many have traveled to galaxy M101, far from the Folded Circle, to make a name for themselves called "Sanctuary." The patroller left after a collision between xol and the Alliance.

Currently, the interstellar aircraft, registered as X11nz / 2, is the last survivor of the M101 facility and will face everything in the future.

Race Profile:



Transgalactic nomad. They live in their own world, destroyed by collision with the Alliance before the creation of the meta-world.

- People:

They are young compared to other nations still alive. They are also the last race to join the Alliance, with around 400 ephemeris.

- RACT :

A race symbiotic with the knowledge of the swarm is determined to transform the galaxy into a tight organization. Most of the engineers aboard the M101 are also representatives of RACT.

- cou

He was like a human body. Few people know their world history or the race itself.

- Voladis

Endowed with a high level of intelligence, he is the only pilot capable of piloting interstellar planes and launching portals, the race has only 26 representatives.

-Zen Osage:

The beasts that live and the life on the X11nz / 2 spaceship. The number is unknown, but some estimate that between 100 and 150 people were hiding in the depths of the ship.

In total, M101 survivors have more than 400 cellular characteristics. Some are designed for one race or gender, with hundreds of different colors. Some M101 survivors have completed hand-painted and 1x1 display specials.

card way

First step: start

• M101 output

• Activation of the M101 feature: based on Spacenomics, the ETH price is permanently valid for holders and commentators.

• Beginning of the development of a limited collection of M101 interstellar spacecraft

• Start developing products and updating progress weekly

100% Sold:

• Sign up with and Rarity Sniper

• Start with the M101 Edge!

• 1: 1 character only hand painted M101 Starship Series! very rare! Only owners of M101s with 3 or more survivors can sail! Click here for more information

• Announcement of a special and unpublished M101 NFT art created by our artist! Only 10 in total! Click here for more information

• M101 export products: clothing and printing supplies

Step 2: Develop

Improvements to the M101 meta-space in Q1 2022:

• M101 3D station upgrades will begin, and it will be a unique place where you can enjoy the M101 collection.

• A special building added to each group of M101 in 3D spaceship.

• The M101 store is growing! Showcase the limited 3D spaceship model from the M101 spacecraft series and the most space M101!

Collaborate with designers, developers, and other artists to develop and design M101 meta edges.

Growth of the M101 meta-space in Q2 2022:

• We plan to create stories from the M101 manga creations every week: Deep in the M101 world, adding new characters, new stories and new timelines.

• Find a partner for a sports development company. Game plans are similar to the story and characters in M101. A seasoned player should attract more participants and add some extra gameplay value to the entire M101 meta-universe.

• Expansion of the M101 meta-universe: we plan to have a large-scale collaboration to continue to develop, add interesting and rare features in the market, develop new NFT specialized products for the M101 (new competitors and new spaces) , and more. M101 Other types

STAR economic model

Holders of 3M101 NFTS or more must test their chances of getting a star on the difference.

In addition, for every additional 2 M101s, you will receive an additional chance to shoot. The owner's photo was taken in December.

Show the special M101 sketch!

‧ The first 1000 holders of the special M101 will take part in two fantastic events! (JOIN 2 NEW RIGHTS) One of the activities includes 6 new NFTS tournaments! It's not announced yet!

‧ Another event, the launch of 4 new NFTS vessels! There are also ways to earn the Special Artist Sanchez NFTS!

The M101 Metaverse currently has 6 races and no more in the NFT collection, and will be added to the free M101 bar collection based.



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Tags: NFT
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