In the telescoping metacosm, "network dynamics" deserve more attention than "packet spacing".

星球日报 view 7158 2022-1-5 14:19
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It looks like we might be able to "teleport" to the future meta-world. "Teleportation" creates visits to a specific location in the meta-world, much like visiting a website. This means that the exchange that determines the value of the network (advertising, connectivity, search, etc.) is at some level in the meta-world.

Grid and teleportation

With the improvement of Web3 and VR technology, the meta-discussion of the world has become more and more mainstream. VR is committed to the experience, and Web3 is committed to the distribution. This importance of membership has always led to some involvement in Web3 for the commercialization of the digital world of the future. Among the questions we've seen recently: "What can we do to make metasite marketing a reality?" ", " What should be ?

In particular, speculation about the value of the meta-world story is of great interest to me. After all, real estate and its derivatives are truly “real” World Heritage properties. If anyone thinks that the digital world would be more interested in events, those events should be "localized" somewhere. Take a look at Sandbox, where some digital campaigns sell for millions of dollars. This proves that digital campaigns are being watched.

Inference by the current method:

With the advance of virtual reality, more and more companies are turning to digital.

As the development and adoption of blockchain evolves, the concept of exchange rates and membership will become easier to digitize.

However, these assumptions alone are not sufficient to predict the future of earth in the metacosm. Changes that add value to the “real” world will be repeated in the digital world in the future. Let's take a closer look at what these dynamics are.

There is a simple truth which is free from controversy. In other words, a lot of people want to live in a restricted area. Lots of people want to be near the headquarters of big corporations: Central Park, Madison Square Garden, the Metropolitan Museum, and all of the iconic Big Apple attractions to consider. This explains the need for the equation, but what about the equipment? Here, the connection between the real earth and the “multiple” meta-world is blurred. The cost of the land is only under an hour's drive or within a five mile circle of downtown Manhattan.The closer the distance, the higher the value of the land.

Some metacosmic experiences have many meanings that signify real space. Such a world can mean the distance between two points, and the further away, the more expensive the movements between them (in time, value, etc.) and the more movement they will need. One way to do it from different points of view.

It's hard to imagine creating a new world with all this power for us, and the more freedom we have, the more it costs where we want to go. Chris Dixon of a16z uses the term “pseudomaterialization” to refer to a situation where new technology has been changed and enhanced. A website that first looks like a buggy, or a website that first looks like a newsletter, is completely different from the chat pages that were popular back then. In fact, the most powerful tool in this case duplicates the limits of the past due to lack of imagination. In this context, a meta-world like mine with transports like ours makes me think about how to behave like myself.

The current vision of the future is not imaginary, and this vision always points to future problems. So what are the prospects for the future?

If there are two worlds like a meta-world. In one world, tours are only easily accessible for a few things nearby, but in another world everything is "closer" to each other. Which one will you choose? It is true that the world can go fast.

Imagine that every large company offers a digital experience to their online stores (simply called “m-shops”) after the fight for the best online store in the future. For example, you can browse the catalog and try on shoes in the Nike m store. Everyone has a personal space in their store, or maybe they just have a large space. Nike is a popular company and its mobile retailer attracts a lot of visitors. After purchasing from the Nike M store, consumers can travel anywhere in the meta-world. For example, switch from the Nike m store to the Adidas m store.

I totally agree that digital teleportation is going to win.

Of course, that kind of instant meta-world doesn't have to come straight from the internet. Not all "places" in the meta world need to be "m-store" to pass this indicator. This is just one example of how teleportation can become an integral part of the meta world. The concept of the Internet has led to another important one. We have become weak frictions all over the internet, like the current 2D centralized meta-universe. If you opted for teleportation in Web2 and used it now, how could you be prepared to put this ability into the future? No one has tasted the candy will stop.

So we believe that activities like teleportation are flourishing in the digital world.

Immediate displacement => Each location is easily accessible from different locations.

Privacy is rare.

The provision of a large amount of soil that can be visited at one location is only limited by the number of soils in the meta-soil.

The benefits of each digital plan are almost identical to the benefits of other plans.

This alone is sufficient to determine that the change in supply and demand for land that we see in the global supply will not be altered in the metacosm.Assuming that it would be cheaper and easier to build a site in the meta world (for example, create a new website), the content of the plan would be unlimited and the cost of the land would stay close to zero. For now, given the open source nature of Web3, creating a new digital space makes good sense. However, zeroing the target is not the key to the discussion below.

network dynamics

What economy of value in the metacosm because the application and the physical properties are not expected to be published? I think the internet here gives us other information. Thirty years ago, information was very important. Knowing what's going on today can be more rewarding than others, but others aren't seen in the papers until tomorrow morning. Expensive encyclopedias are a viable tool for conflict resolution, and colleges monopolize research in various ways. In the internet age, these changes have changed a lot.

Through the internet we can get more information and we can get that information immediately, where to get and how to filter the noise of multiple signals is the most difficult.Likewise, in the real world, we often interact with the people around us. For example, when I want to eat, I usually eat there within 30 minutes by car. Due to the limited number of restaurants, people are willing to spend the money to live in an area with ideal restaurants. We spend very little time thinking about where it would take hours or even dollars. However, this change will change in the meta-world where teleportation is possible. Change places immediately, all at once. So making a list of nearby restaurants can be tricky. According to the Internet, devices restrict access to what is accessible, limiting time and listening.

Web2's response to this surprise was intimidating. Some of the most profitable businesses on the Internet are those that control what information people can access. Filtering social media content, digital media, and search questions have become a fierce battle. We all know the life of Apple's online store and know how to find their place on the Internet, but Apple still pays Google a lot of money to serve advertisements in remembrance of their lives. Marketing has become an essential part of our mission.

The best thing for them is that we click on an ad and go to their website. Likewise, you can imagine that the Nike m store has a package that takes you to the Apple store. You can estimate how much Apple paid Nike for the connection. What is the search equation in the meta-universe? How do pages live in a meta world? Do you know where your friends are? Will my meta-world be like yours? If not, what is the difference?

My argument often leads to limitations. As the technology improves, something like a global meta will appear and the cost of transport will become limited. This is a restriction which does not appear to be enforced. Thus, the limits of user interaction change with time and care. so,The systems that influence our time and care in the meta-world can be very rewarding.

By the way, the unfolding controversy is that it wouldn't be as useful as Web2, although time and resources immediately restrict human movement in the meta-universe. Web2 The importance of time and attention because it can bring in money (in publications and documents).Tokenization and other untapped transactions can change the value created from one focus to another (not yet landed). For example, tokens can give a value to a person when they are not looking.

Of course, just because you can remove shipping restrictions doesn't mean it. In some special cases, you can choose to control the shipping costs. These settings are optional, in the same way that people choose vinyl player files over Bluetooth MP3s, or use pen and paper instead of iPad. In addition to permission restrictions, there may be other restrictions that we have not taken into account, such as blocking current location is an issue.

Enter a 3D world that does not follow the same laws of physics as a species in the 3D world we live in. Sometimes the laws of physics around them change. Surprise or joy, no. We can say. This is why it seems necessary to carefully consider the minimal structure of the meta-world.


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