First 4D crypto asset code in 2022

星球日报 view 23628 2022-1-4 09:03
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1/204 As promised, this is an article on the “bought names” of 2022 cryptocurrencies and the outlook for early 2022. Let's take a look at the reasons for choosing an asset, how it is managed and what it is general of each asset.


2/204 First of all, it's a 'branded product' that will be successful in 2022. That means I don't buy all of these assets at once, but I like to "be affordable" " .

3/204 I think its performance may be better than the Instrument, Big Trump (BTC) and peers. This means that some good jobs do not appear on this list. Solana, for example, has been successful this year, but predicts it will be difficult to break through next year.

4/204 Solana can also be higher (or slightly higher than the indicator). Many ecosystem projects are still subject to Total Cost Dilution (TOC) assessment orders, so even the most productive actions will not perform well in the New Year.

Cryptocurrency "buying" events 2022 in 5/204:

The stuff works.

There is a catalyst that will explode in 2022.

Compared to its peers, there is room for growth.

There is external funding.

There are still many technologies and activities that are not on this list because 6/204 2022 is not the year of transmission. People have come to appreciate the time it takes to build, run and maintain a growing business.

7/204 I think these tools have good reasons for good performance. However, it is important to note that not all of these assets are affected. Not all assets can be put into equal data.

8/204 As a long-term trader, you can invest your capital. With 60% -70% error, you are ready to hold the project for more than 5 years and lose your assets. for 3 years

Usually there are no losses, but investing in real assets, not the hype, is like investing in startups, so the long term investments are worth it.

10/204 So why are these assets on the list? Here are the details of my article on the forecast from 2022.

Financial flows are king, infrastructure is king.

11/204 We went through another bull market on the bubble and the hype. He loves that a lot of people surround and earn a lot of money.

12/204 While industries have always faced this, we are witnessing a shift from 'growth in commodities' to 'value in commodities' as people seek real stability to deal with the stuck in their markets. yields.


13/204 There is no "value" product in most crypto cycles. Almost everything is discounted “in the future” (to be honest, investors don't know how much they are worth, especially in the future).

14/204 However, with the popularity of crypto devices this situation is starting to change and we are starting to see that the process can be more efficient. TokenTerminal, a cryptocurrency asset analyzer, gave me a good understanding of the many policies that are starting to generate real money.


Even with contracts that don't bring benefits to 15/204 tokens, the current demand, like loan deals, is huge, and the loan rate has increased on average 10 times or more in 2021.


Identifying the pros and cons of 16/204 income is important and difficult. But one thing is certain: contracts with real benefits will often be smaller than expected in 2021.

17/204 2021 is a time of growth for cryptocurrencies, so when we open our eyes with the check in our home lock, we take a look at the market together and think, "Yes, Dogecoin, that will be next."

18/204 So anything that doesn't load will be fine and sold. The point is, most people are unaware of the long term, complexity, cost, or growth potential of a business.

19/204 After all, the most important thing is money and value. If you provide the essential services for prevention or control, people will buy them. If you have a profitable product, people will buy it too.

Because 20/204 cash supports development teams, it continues to grow and develop products that can deliver value. This is why I see that many of the products I have chosen for 2022 are classic DeFi products from groups that have been on the market for more than 5 years.

The 21/204 bubble is slowly disappearing and we turn to products that can make money and offer a broad, real and rewarding customer experience.

22/204 The second category is that of infrastructures. With the help of L1 this year, we learned that there are still many differences between our devices.

23/204 I don't think we've done a lot of work in this area this year, and it's not enough. But we are only checking your rights.

On February 24, 204, we witness the phenomenon of L1 and L2. This shows us how unusable and unstable a bridge is. We have also learned that in L2 with slow people are immediately willing to pay a higher price.

In the previous 25/204 V God article "Ultimate Battle" we learned that the future of Ethereum is very similar to the rest of the world. Move on the fork when the fork now looks slightly more like movement on the L2s.

26/204 We're starting to see some subnet projects being done by Avalanche, and projects like Cosmos and Atom are still in the works.

27/204 All these elements point to important and significant problems. In many chains around the world, the availability of materials and assets is a big difference. You need reliable data on networks / chains / forks and therefore to move tools faster.

Most of the solutions like 28/204 multi-chain indexing, chain identification or all major solutions will not achieve the status quo in 2022. I think it will be in 2023-2024.

However, some of the world's treasures, future chains and cross chains will be abandoned.

29/204 Investments in infrastructure are innumerable and will generally be average.

Like the AMM craze we see after Sushi, 99% of businesses fail. But the winner will keep the business as long as the thief.

30/204 This year a lot of differences will be coming soon, and we'll be making mistakes with new raw materials or new expansions, which will make us really useful.

However, this is all short for me and I am not happy about investing in short positions.

31/204 On the other hand, 2022 is a year to focus on really productive engines, and I think those engines can exceed the performance of 2022, and beyond, continue to support and build value through following.

Let's start by identifying cryptocurrency “shopping lists” together.

32/204 This list is organized by level of play.

33/204 Let me describe everything and the tools it has.

Keep in mind that this is my personal choice and it gives a good overview of a long term stable business that comes with a lot of risk, high risk etc.

Please note that this is not investment advice.

34/204 I'm not good at signing up, these are my best options for 2022. These products are going to be good and strong.

These are assets that I bought, guaranteed or blocked.


35/204 The key role behind assets is that they have income from other drivers that make them capable and confident that they will be profitable in the future.

36/204 This means that the recovery of asset liabilities / asset liabilities is based on the annual income value (APY) of the assets, the risk and the poor performance of the assets.

37/204 More importantly, most of these assets are tokens large enough to be borrowed from multiple vendors, allowing them to perform other tasks during the tax deduction.

38/204 The 4th option therefore has 4 advantages:





39/204 $ ETH

I must say that ETH 2.0 is the engine of the great economic cycle.

As the integration continues, the Crypto Rhythm will become more popular and appears to have already started for the first time in 22 years.

It is estimated that ETH 2.0 will actually create an augmentation cycle before the 40/204 EIP-1559 implementation is also 10 times the capacity.

With the development of the 41/204 scaling solution, ETH will be an unbeatable opponent in the fire of EIP-1559 and future integration.

42/204 $ YFI

This year will follow the top picks from last week.

Their growth, external revenues (more than $ 100 million per year excluding support), the change in the structure of tokens, sharing will return in the near future ($ 45 million) and use events which suggest that they will be more efficient than ATH this year.

43/204 $CVX

I met CVX very early on and called it DeFi's "King Creator".

I think it can continue until 2022, but he hasn't appeared on my list of good actors before.

44/204 three things change that.

Botium Bribes: They grow faster than I would like, and I guarantee this model.

Curve V2: Make the most of Automatic Market Maker (AMM) packaging for new jobs.

Convex is connected by hooks (see cvxFXS).

45/204 I want to keep CVX stable (around 50% of annual revenue, around 2.4 times ROI) and hope CVX can double this year.

46/204 As these exchanges grow rapidly towards the end of the year, they still will not be reversed if the CLC is 8-10 times its present value in the next few years, which is also the most efficient asset in the market. P / E ratio.

47/204 If another Custom DeFi can handle it, I think the CVX is worth it. Not to mention that Curve V2 can beat the AMM (automatic marketmaker) market.

For the 48/204 CVX, we plan to re-register $ CVX every cycle, engage in the Votium app, and continue to receive rewards while managing DeFi.

At current gains, CVX could lose 50% and not keep its promise.

49/204 #KP3R

I wrote an article on Keeper last week with my options.

An agreement would look like this:

I bought two contracts for one price.

The FixedForex project is actually a curve created by the creators of Fiscal Year for overall results.

The 50/204 TradFi Forex daily trading volume is US $ 6.6 trillion. Eventually, some will be sent to the channel.

Keeper is improving rapidly in this market. It helps to change the rules of the game for users all over the world because the payment has been our little one.

51/204 Another thing I'm guessing is that $ CVX starts to swallow # KP3R just like $ CVX swallows FXS. This adds up to a mixed cost for the two.

52/204 powerful advantages:

I think these assets have a significant impact on their performance in 2022.

Many of these assets have been sold, but some have the potential to grow.


53/204 Which assets fall into this category?

$ FLX (Authorized Reflector)







54/204 $ FLX (Authorized Reflector)

As the founder of $ RAI Stabilitécoin, I wrote a letter for them. Maybe his point is that the $ RAI is the most stable currency, which has been watched. It contains many important catalysts.

55/204 In the long run, I think Web3 will adopt its own Stabilitycoin and the dollar denominator will be low. $ RAI is the better competitor and it is the long term driver.

2022 will be the first achievement.

56/204 $ COV

There are no details on the curve, but the wait here is straightforward.

I think StablePool's output values ​​are bubbly too, but Curve2.0 changes all that.

As of 57/204 new companies are mainly invested by the Sushiswap Onsen mining pool and the main companies are generally traded by Uniswap.

The rigors of 58/204 UniV3 cost many traders money. This is great for professionals, but key users don't like the difficulty.

59/204 Sushi is still going through a hot period and may come out of the heat, but it will take time to gain a foothold.

I think 60/204 is usually written with $ CRV, $ BAL, and $ ZRX.

However, the Curve incentive mechanism can be a new way to support mining pools once a project has started.

61/204 This will bring new users to the curve, help capture the routing volume, and achieve more of the functionality desired for Convex and Curve.

The only way this will not happen is if the curve is too slow to run multiple V2 mining pools, or if too much control is interfering with the command.

62/204 Overall a great time. I think they will easily capture these benefits and deliver significant benefits (measured in increase in value and in return on engagement).

63/204 $ ALCX

This is another project that I didn't specifically mention, but $ ALCX is one of the few things I think I can "push" in 2022.

Although this is one of the most dangerous of these companies, it has the potential to be high.

The 64/204 AlchemixFi Loan is one of the best new DeFi developments we've seen in years, but it's not without issues like token economy and efficiency.

65/204 They are returning to the improved map, working on AlchemicxV2, fixing a number of important issues and triggering additional needs.

66/204 Given the growth in prices, the key question is "Can this be a building block for other regulations?" "

The answer is yes.

67/204 These start-up loan models offer investors the opportunity to make the most of the risks and rewards of the exchange, but with a return on their investment.

68/204 Plus a cool and essential new model like the Mini Yearn. You can borrow money and pay it back yourself.

69/204 This is a project that will pay for years of losses as we believe it will change the mechanics of the game. But the release of V2 could change the rules of the game for $ ALCX and I think we will hit best performance this year.

70/204 $BAL

Balancers are classic DeFi technique, but overt and indifferent.

71/204 But in essence, whether or not one visits the Balancer website, it has the potential to become one of the most important MAs in the field.

Balancer is good at building a good foundation and changing technology.

72/204 While this technology still works hard to improve fuel price performance, it has become the ideal basis for supporting some of the most efficient and profitable applications.

The involvement of 73/204 Gnosis of Cowswap will be an important part of future asset management.

74/204 While I think Classic DeFi is going to have a solid year, I think $ BAL can do well, especially when it comes to the veToken model (which makes someone else good convex).

75/204 While they are doing well this year, I think their real strength will be over a period of a few years. I think they will be Top AMM.

76/204 This is something that Balancer's multi-asset capital efficiency cannot do.

So if it's done, this is the perfect store for them.

77/204 $ZRX

0xProject is another DeFi build neglect, we believe this will make 2022 an important year, in large part due to the adoption of final wallets.

78/204 These are the two parts of the 2022 opening article. Due to its strong quality / external performance and 0x is the strongest candidate for DEX chain tool design, so it is also an important part of the future chain. candidate.

By combining the $ 79/204 ZRX with the OSI standard of the CEHV blockchain, we believe that 0x will be placed at the bottom of the process, making it a viable option for public chains and wallets used to place orders.

Currently, 80/204 users unintentionally use 0x when transacting in large wallets such as MetaMask. As we have seen, the L2 expansion of the accessibility retail space will continue this model.

We believe that MetaMask tokens can be developed in 81/204 2022 with L1 and L2 extension. Some of the key Authorization Request (RFQ) and Cross Border Trade upgrades will be the first year of 0x. It is also a long term idea.

While the market for 82/204 tokens is unsatisfactory for some and the price may be high, I believe that 0x will be as profitable as the software companies of the future, boosting the profits of the dealers. .

83/204 FXS UA

I added Frax to the encrypted "Subscriptions" a few weeks ago and its performance is better than I expected.

In summary, Frax would be the best integration in a stable environment.

84/204 I have underestimated them for a long time, but they have done a good job trying new financial models and have proven time and time again that they are really creating a variety of extra costs for chains connected to d 'others . promise. .

A recent example of 85/204 is the collaboration with Convex on the merger of Frax FPI and cvxFXS, which will be released next week.

86/204 If there are two things in this area that shouldn't be underestimated, it's malicious constructors and ruthless cross-chain constructors.

Frax understands both.

87/204 RBN PAB

Ribbons are one of the few actives that I like, and they are in a difficult position on Total Dilution (TDR) ratings.

However, we believe that the token market, distribution model, measurement model will be released soon and the external advantages are enough to establish it.

88/204 My theory is that no matter what we do, we can never tell 99% of people to make the right choice.

CMS jokes speak volumes about it.

I am an expert in options trading, but still believe that options trading should never be allowed.

89/204 However, that does not mean that a choice does not bring good results if used correctly.

90/204 users participate and benefit from a pool of preselected options before creating a budget.

As we've seen over the years, the best ideas for finances are tough tips, and even if you know what they do, you can't really put them into practice.

While 90% of 91/204 ribbon bankers believe their financial strategy is irreversible, they are happy to receive a 30% return on services such as ETH and USDC.


92/204 This means that the Ribbon generates value by dividing the RBN $ by the external rewards.

Also, since they are not mined like this year in the bank, they can be very profitable in the bull or bear market. It is unique in this area.

93/204 token trading and pool caps actually affect development if you can't get a limited return from the option.

But why do I think the ribbon is interesting.

I think that would be the only way to finish the curve.

94/204 Just as many entrepreneurs are unable to develop advanced mining strategies and need support this year, most people are unable to make up their minds and want a Ribbon service method.

Ribbons need more people to choose from in order to grow taller.

95/204 Most contract options should be developed by service providers and may not appeal to heavy users.

So the ribbon and the future of the channel selection protocol make one really possible.

It goes without saying that the 96/204 ribbon is rethinking its token business and moving to the veToken model, another major competitor for future convex integration.

97/204 These are the “safe” positions in 2022. I don't think they will normally achieve 10x growth, but I do think they will have the potential for strong, weak, risk and pure value growth.


The 98/204 list also includes some of the games that we think will fall into this category in the future, but they are still in their infancy.

Here is the list of active 99/204:



zec $


Euler Financial (Similar contracts available, tokens also available)

100/204 $FTM

In the L1 collection, Fantom was loved by his friends.

Unlike many other L1 and venture capital projects owned by venture capitalists, Fantom is similar to the early Ethereums.

The 101/204 aBFT model offers strong scalability, promises to provide stable shutdown (and significant results throughout the year), multiple early operations, and excellent design support.

102/204 After the L1 boom passed, more and more users were looking for the L1, and the Phantom attracted a lot of new users and innovations, and I think it went well this year.

103/204 $AVAX

The Avax crashes happened faster than needed, so I thought it would be hard to do a good job, so I stood up and watched.

But honestly, I think it would be better to put them in a basket.

Compared to Polkadot, Cardano, Polygon, etc., the Avax 104/204 offers the most scalable performance for large assets based on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

The Model 105/204 subnet is basically like the mini fork version, allowing anyone to build chains of targeted applications. So I think a lot of the first Ethereum fork tests we needed would be done on the Avax subnet.

106/204 It's useful to know about these updates, so I think Avax will still be good next year.

107/204 $ZEC (Zcoin)

I respect but disagree with some of Barry Silbert's comments (at least on the positives). However, the Zcash token is a symbol that I totally agree with.

The private benefits of 108/204 ZCash are one thing, but a lot of the research ZEC has done that is critical to the ecosystem is truly magical.

109/204 ZCash was already working on zero proof before most people in the industry heard the term zero proof.

110/204 Already in 2018, Zcash and the developer of ZEC Zooko had conceived a vague concept of integration of Zcash and Ethereum.

Having said that, it is very interesting to give us the chips. The idea is to integrate the equivalent in ETH and ZEC currencies with "Zcash Frontier Edition", fork ETH proof of investment (PoS), join the ZEC first level snark architecture, then "pure Zcash" can to improve.

111/204 It's not like the Zcash integration we're going to do today, but it's an important strategy that makes my own investment in ZEC.

As these are more details on the future of the 112/204 consolidation, forks, side chains, and the more global L2, it's clear that Ethereum's second-layer ZK transport protocol is holding up. moment.

The specification for 113/204 has yet to be revealed, but it can run in L2 style like the Starkware app, or on a bridge over L2 like Race (Arbitrum / Optimisim).

114/204 Finally, my theory is that Zcash eventually developed the privacy / zk-snark transition process that Ethereum always wanted, but the other world ignores it and thinks it has freedom.

115/204 This can continue as independent channels, and we can be better off in terms of interconnection. However, we believe that ZEC will one day fit into the Ethereum world and two approaches will be the key to changing the value of Web3.

116/204 gearbox protocol

Management tokens on are available but have not been redeemed. It looks like the process could continue to use airdrops / mining.

117/204 This agreement is intended to guide the leverage / page of DeFi.

As you know, CEX leveraged trading volume exceeds market volume by 5: 1 or more on average.


118/204 However, DeFi does not have these advantages. This means that at the initial stage of investment and construction, when the tokens have not started at the exchange rate, they are already gone.

119/204 Suppose you find a new symbol that you want.

There is a $ 100 commitment.

On CEX you can earn over $ 2,000 in tokens, but on DeFi you can spend me for just $ 100.

The 120/204 Gearbox contract allows you to open loans, borrow work, and use them in a variety of DeFi apps, allowing you to live in a more independent environment at all times.

121/204 Not only is this a game-changer for Gearbox, but I think Gearbox will help develop the classic DeFi 1.0 depression in this cycle.

Just as perps / futures affect CEX volume, so does DeFi volume.

The 122/204 token has yet to be traded, but I believe it will be strong in 2022.

123/204 Euler. Finance

Euler will be the first difference in the loan model after Aave.

This is a whole new concept of loan contract.

124/204 smart contract / model account and the ability to create independent pairs from multiple oracle clusters, including the AMM mining pool, to create a viable impact on wealth development varies.

The problem with most 125/204 bond agreements is that their strength depends on how weak the assets are.

This is why we see creams doing a lot of damage.

126/204 Euler carefully balances four types of industry.

Housing, crossing, segregation and protection costs.


127/204 This allows the freedom of venture capital, but also allows the use of contracts to borrow core assets and various assets without authorization.

128/204 I think this will not only make Euler competitive himself, but he'll also make good use of DeFi tokens that look like Gearbox.

129/204 It is difficult to borrow money under many new contracts where users are locked out.

Euler will invest large sums of money in several industries, which will bring more life to the blockchain space.

Pilot 130/204 / Performance cost:

I don't know if 2022 will be the last year for this type of engagement, but I can prove it is doable. I think they'll be able to make the most of the assets in a few years, even if they don't finish this year.


131/204 These assets include:








$ gnome

132/204 If you've been a successful and trusted entrepreneur in the business for six years, take the time to be mindful.

133/204 MKR

With its huge income, $ DAI is one of the few organizations that has survived many aspects of its community and culture without going far and pushing it into the real world.

It would be nice to stick with pure 134/204 gold, but that wouldn't pave the way for them to establish a sure comeback year after year.

It will continue to fuel these assets steadily as the 135/204 targets move to a market ruled by cryptocurrency companies and companies below the cryptocurrency market. .

$ 136/204 HNT

Is it a bubble? Yes.

Is 2022 a year of resurrection? I gave up fate.

137/204 There is still a long way to go, but the international helium node coverage is excellent. feelings.

138/204 I am ready to accept that 2022 may not be the best year, but it is still on my "shopping list" due to the obvious long term competition and will use more advantages to buy throughout the year.

139/204 $LDO

Having an LDO means having a measure of each of the L1 and L2 solutions.

It's a quick way to use those resources and earn money.

Worried about neo-hippies and their global warming, I tell you. It's a rare accident, I haven't encountered one.

The possibility of receiving 10% of all 140/204 L1 / L2 catches is reasonable.

Many early sellers have taken their hands off the market due to the higher and stable prices for years.

141/204 There is also a future option to swallow a contract / node to work on non-L1 rules.

For me, $ LDO is what I buy, so I don't have to worry about the next L1 value. I only have part of it.

142/204 IB

Credit giant, a great team of solutions.

First select an app to adopt in multiple channels.

They have a hard time with the temperament.

143/204 However, the team is still working and there is no doubt that they are working on a daisy chain app model.

144/204 The others are:

The multi-channel Dapp 145/204 is also good.

However, the Dapp chain app is an integration that must be achieved in order to use future income.

Also, I don't think there is a more reliable team than Compound Lab.

146/204 One of the only Dapps we've seen builds like this.

Running your own 147/204 application chain is easy and enjoyable, and $ COMP will be the foundation for end user applications. That's why they do a lot of retailing.

I think their infrastructure will be on the Avax 148/204 subnet, but no matter how it's used, I think it's going to break because the COMP chain is oversold.

149/204 $ rare

There are two large stores in the art world: Sotheby's and Christie's.

They are all familiar with the growing market for NFTs and digital products.

150/204 Sotheby's has explored the world to show they really understand.

But in these two contests, I think one of two things will happen.

151/204 Anyone who is an auctioneer with a position on the NFT exchange will buy the company to accomplish this task.

Or a party lagging behind to trade and get caught.

We believe Acquisition 152/204 will be the future of the $ RARE token as it will focus on the NFT Marketplace community which is generally similar in name, expertise and renovation to existing stores.

153/204 I think they are getting through to the workplace to have at least by the classic race.

I think it will be possible in 2022. But it is possible.

154/204 $ SNX

As I told Prax before, you should never underestimate bad workers or builders who cross the line.

SNX has also sold a lot.

155/204 Demand has grown in the last few years alone, and the ecosystem is piloting 5 new products, all in suUSD.

Additionally, I think the benefits of KP3R are also very beneficial for upgrading as it integrates well with FixedForex.

156/204 If the ecosystem activity or fans have a fan, SNX is the same.

They have multiple injection times, so this bet depends on the materials and the reliability of the developer.

157/204 $SYN

Inter-chain bridge infrastructure is essential and the benefits are significant.

Users are willing to pay because Synapse is the best link between L1 and L2.

We had to expand our 158/204 product line, but this year we decided to try all the links.

This is the bridge on the chain that we will be using.

159/204 $ GNO

Judging from the current products, only Gnosis will be the only product that can complete the MEV scale.

After the integration of xDAI, the basic products with their own extensions are pushed to all Gnosis Multisig.

Can you imagine a project worth paying for without the 160/204 Gnosis Multisig?

does not exist.

The biggest investments, the best developers, and the biggest investments will be at the forefront of GNO expansion and MEV protection.

161/204 Adventure but ability.

I don't know if this type of asset will ever be realized.

We now live in a high risk world. You can lose if you don't trade, but these products can be good.


162/204 For example, we know that the value of a perpetual contract moves up a chain. CMS Holdings has been screaming at the ceiling for years, but we don't know who will take the majority of the market.

163/204 makes a few smaller players work, but 1-2 players are getting their time.

According to the industry, the performance of the chain's perpetual contract will certainly be better.

164/204 If you can spread your bets to all potential people, the big rewards of winning (especially years ago) will make staff less likely.

165/204 So who falls into this category?







$API 3


166/204 FRP

Perp has a huge advantage in this area and DyDx has lost its credibility, but like I said before, I think there is a way to win.

The 167/204 Perp is expected to be made soon for the long tail of the chain in the future, but if they can make it with the Curie (their V2), 2022 will be an important year for them.

168/204 $FST

Futureswap is another important feature of the future market.

What I like is that it integrates directly with the Uniswap V3 project to complete the investment project in AMM.

The simplicity of the mining basin can be a key factor.

169/204 $ CAAB

It's 100% lost in the game and I like it.

When I first came out I was skeptical of them, but running around anonymous community-run groups was very trustworthy.

I don't think he's the number one permanent entrepreneur, but there is a lot he can do.

170/204 IB

MCDEX is very difficult for me. I only know half of it.

I think that's the minimum to get a number one. However, given all the perpetual contracts and the potential benefits of investing in good consumers, the promise is still worth it if kept.

171/204 $ NPX

If one can offer options to large customers in a simple and convenient way, Dopex is the best choice.

The best chain configuration and the best user experience.

172/204 Dopex and ribbon games go well together.

Ribbon needs a Dopex extension and Dopex needs a Ribbon extension, so there is a lot of potential here.

173/204 $ DAY

The bond will be the first / highest of the assets.

It just appeared on my order form and I haven't started shopping yet.

174/204 However, this is a loan from vfat0, which is still in its infancy.

Anyone who knows the inner workings of the mining token industry is vfat, so be careful.

As the 175/204 market enters another year of recovery, we plan to invest heavily in this area and expand our core operations as revenues increase.

176/204 $API3

Another tool that can hold your thighs.

As we move into the future of more chains and branches, we need more Oracle diversity and new types of data available.

I think 177/204 API3 is easy to watch, but I think it lays a solid foundation for tough problems.

So 2022 is a year of accomplishment or failure for them and I think there will be more for their long term needs.

178/204 $ starting from

Like I said at FixedForex, if you are American you will not experience the pain of consumers all over the world when they take advantage of this market.

179/204 The goal is to start with a similar but decentralized euro for MakerDAO.

I feel they have expanded their business to other benefits and established significant partnerships with Convex and KP3R to improve their operations.

180/204 The only reason they're ranked so low is that they're already doing really well.

I think they will perform better than in previous years, but the main drivers must achieve this in 2022.

181/204 High Risk: This is my 50x or 0x game.

They will be successful when they arrive. I don't think most people will say it. This is the danger that has been given to you.


182/204 Who is in the boom or the most dangerous economy?



$ done


delicious $


$ yam


183/204 $Gel

Automated smart contract. I think KP3R and other tech like OpenZepplin Defender can make money, but if you can build good libraries and integrate them for major updates, that would be a win-win situation. .

184/204 If I were them I would focus on finding all of the major KP3R or OZ Defender users and then go to their competition and get them to use Gelato.

The enemy of the enemy can be your friend.

185/204 $NFTX

The adoption of key NFTs can continue to grow.

The key players will not raise the cap because they will not buy $ 100,000 in PFPS.

Reason for segmentation for token exchange.

186/204 Retail price fluctuates when 100,000 people can use the micro unit.

NFTX provides these capabilities and allows you to assemble and compete in different applications.

If CEX trading brings success to the NFT industry, then NFT trading will benefit as well.

187/204 10 $

I like money centric apps.

This is a valid token only.

188/204 $Thles

$ SNX read options. Perfect product. It is not as attractive as Dopex, but the price is also very low.

If the 189/204 ribbon really does break, you directly create all of the options provided. Because it should attract investment in new businesses.

Considering the value of $ THALES, here we need some interesting information.

190/204 $ Pickles

Another area that I was unable to start was due to lack of water. The automatic and oversold staking of water extraction pools as part of this year's ecology has not been popular recently.

191/204 It's still a good commodity, but as the number of funds increases the market value is low and the ability to generate external income is high, so I think it can be popular.

192/204 $ AIDE

infrastructure mechanism.

Some of the advertising and marketing tokens are irrelevant, but I think they can solve the problem. The experience of the equipment is chaotic, but the output of the technology is reliable.

193/204 As we move into global sales, I think wallets / devices like Zapper and Money will see more financial market share for their clients.

$ 194/204 bonus

It is the cheapest option, but still the best product.

Given my strong argument in favor of ribbon, this would be better in terms of ribbon development.

$ 195/204 eg.

I like Pendle. I thought it was awesome.

I think most users don't understand what they're trying to do, let alone use it.

It would be beneficial if Pendle could focus on education and integration into the banking strategy provided.

196/204 We made the mistake of overestimating the financial sensitivity of our clients, which resulted in performance below expectations.

I think there is a way to achieve the development they deserve in 2222.

197/204 Extraction capacity:

As potential tokens appear, we believe this type of engagement is worth matching, but nothing has been announced.


198/204 This group is not very widespread, but it is further subdivided.

nyuj swap

financial things


good finances


volume maximum

199/204 Here are my cryptocurrency options and "shopping lists" for 2022.

Please note that this is not financial information.

Don't practice blindly and expect to win.

200/204 I like to track my assets and manage my inventory. This list is updated approximately quarterly. I adjusted my position proportionally to balance the different levels.

201/204 Overall, I think 2022 will be an interesting year for cryptocurrencies. The revival of classic DeFi blues, the exciting new DeFi model, and some tech releases have started to make a difference.

202/204 Many assets are not on this list, but are doing well, especially when the whole company is doing well. These are personal bets on assets that have a "way" to hold the market.

As the 203/204 standard denies, obviously I have a financial interest in most / most tokens (or all tokens you read), and I have my own misconceptions.

204/204 We hope this article helps you with your personal research startup concepts and strategies for creating an assessment. No matter how crazy this world drives us, let's shine for a happy new year 2022.


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