Bitcoin costs $ 60,000. How long does it take for an average person to get my Bitcoin with a personal computer?

币圈二三事 view 30 2021-10-9 11:23
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People often joke that if you bought two or three houses in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou 10 years ago, you can live carefree now. This can be attributed to the increase in house prices in recent years, especially in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. Besides real estate, there are other factors that can increase the value of the property. real estate more than real estate, and that's Bitcoin. When it came to a few thousand wins, a lot of people called it a scam, and now that Bitcoin has hit $ 60,000, many are ready to join the game.


What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin does not need to be provided by the company in a virtual cryptographically fixed manner, but is developed by several counts based on a special algorithm. Bitcoin payment is a social method that does not require a central platform and adds functionality to the algorithm itself, making it impossible to copy Bitcoin. In other words, the face value of Bitcoin cannot be discounted, not to mention the potential for large exports. The price is fixed and Bitcoin is scarce. In 2021, the value of Bitcoin will exceed $ 60,000.


How long can you dig? As mentioned earlier, Bitcoin is not a problem, but is developed by nodes and around the world. This means that anyone can get involved in mining and industry. Since the total number of Bitcoins is only 21 million, how long will it take to resolve 21 million?


In the early years, the price of Bitcoin is not high, people don't believe it, and players can mine a lot of coins per day. Then, for a while, the coin mining craze swept through the computer setup industry and high-end graphics cards were frantically scrapped. Some people go to the bitcoin mine in a special area and "min" to get this gift. Today, expert internet users make the inclusion, where the home computer still has to run continuously for 500 days for my Bitcoin, at that time the computer couldn't shut down. . First of all, it is because the computer configuration requirements are very high, so it is impossible for all the personal computers in the market today to meet. Although this period can be completed, the configuration must be constantly updated at this time, the aggregation of values ​​is more important than the value of Bitcoin. Second, 500 days is just a monitoring algorithm and in practice it may take 3-4 years or more to reach your goal.


Experts should choose a specialist instead of using this stupid method. Although this type of miner is very well designed and expensive, it takes at least 100 days to use the most sophisticated equipment. However, relying on computers for my parts always carries the risk of serious losses. In addition, as a virtual result, there are no advertisers yet, and with big rewards comes more risk.


Just 13 years ago, Bitcoin was traded over 5 million times. Where once 10,000 bitcoins could only buy pizza, now you can buy a luxury car with one plate. However, it also announced restrictions on the Bitcoin market in many countries due to the significant risks. Our country recently started closing mines and banning these activities across the country. Players who are still investing should be careful not to think about where I would be in China.

At the same time, there is no way to know a trader who specializes in trading Bitcoin, and when something goes wrong it is difficult to investigate. Some people use Bitcoin for financial transactions or illegal transactions, while others engage in speculative thinking, which increases the value of Bitcoin, and many partnerships come with high risk as well. However, any investment is in fact dead: the greater the profit, the greater the risk. Bitcoin is of course the same. for


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