Polygon is confidential to the lack of danger of the FREKY $ 24 billion! I got $ 2 million still.

币圈子 view 27109 2021-12-31 10:03
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Polygon announced his message to December 29th. The total of 92% of all the material of all the items provided on all kits in the pork 4, indicating that all equipment are adjusted. Black hats were better. 801,601 has stolen.

This weakness does not have the error, and the sample decided to cure the serpent.

Santa "This is a black hat that advertised the agreement with the best commitment to prevent this power to protect energy, which you want to know about these changes. The MRCA Promises to change the movie that hackers stolen more than $ 1,4 millions), and the total amount of matic is $ 1 billion, and is sufficient for this protection value.

When the hacking is wondering that the largest fall, the polygon has decided to follow the area of time. In other words, it means the first rest of the rest can be released again. After the treatment process has been released, the polygon has been changed silently from the block of 22156660 on December 5 and finally stopped breathing.


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Although the Polygon team acted quickly, some hackers noticed the early skepticism protesting the differences in functional upgrades and launching the mainnet upgrade, stealing 801 601 MATIC (currently worth approximately $ 2 million).

Polygon police said they would bear the full amount of money lost, and donated more than $ 3.46 million to two white suicides (one passerby, one by anonymous) who revealed the not good plot. The first received $ 2.2 million in fixed parts and the second received 500,000 MATICs.

Polygon co-founder Jaynti Kanani described the situation: "It's a test of the resilience of Polygon's network and how the team can operate in a stressful way. Our team was successful in this situation." , said Polygon co-founder Jaynti Kanani I believe the situation, the best decision.

At the time of this writing, MATIC was down $ 2.4893 for the third day in a row, down 15%.


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