Bay Area Metaverse Conference Calls Call on Businesses to Support Metaverse Upgrades

链新 view 8481 2021-12-29 17:54
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Thousands of businesses have joined forces to support the rapid growth of the Bay Area Metaverse.

On December 27, the "Bay Region Metauniverse Conference and 2021-2022 Blockchain Industry Summit" was held in Shenzhen. The meeting was hosted by the Shenzhen Data Services Blockchain Association (hereinafter referred to as “Deep Chain Association”). With the theme "Going back to the beginnings of unity and starting the world through".

Zheng Xiangqi Chairman of the Deep Chain Association, Sun Nan member of the party committee of the Shenzhen Science and Technology Association, Internet director Xu Haifang of Huawei Cloud Shenzhen, Li Jun, chairman of Tencent Blockchain Products, Chen Zehui, director of the strategy at the Hyperledger Asia-Pacific conference to join Metaverse You've shared your thoughts on this.

Zheng Weifang, chairman of the Deep Chain Association, said, “From the people. Zheng Xiangqiang said, “Thousands of industries have worked together to promote the rapid development of the whole standard metaverse.

Xu Haifang, Internet CEO of Huawei Cloud Shenzhen, believes that the meta-space industry will be the hot spot for the next 20 years, and the general direction of the industry in the future. And make the Huawei cloud a reality, create apps, open up the ecosystem and develop intelligence.

Li Jun, Blockchain Product Manager at Tencent, said Metaverse is huge. The advent of the metaverse is a natural evolutionary process. Blockchain will never take its place once as one of the future technological technologies of the metaverse. stage. Since 2015, Tencent's blockchain team has developed a self-developed, self-managed blockchain service provider from the ground up.

Chen Zehui, Asia Pacific Strategy Director at Hyperledger, has a vision of blockchain development over metaverse technology production. He said the role of blockchain in the supply chain, healthcare, food and other industries in developing the practices and use of chain links is accessible to everyone. By 2025, more than half of global companies will be using blockchain technology. By 2035, blockchain technology is expected to deliver $ 1.76 trillion to the global market. financial aid

At the meeting, the Shenzhen Chain Association announced the "Shenzhen Blockchain Industry Analysis Report (2020-2021)". Benchmarking and identification of problems and solutions in blockchain development and implementation.


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