DAO uses web 3 technology to ensure the independence of climate change mitigation initiatives.

Cointelegraph中文 view 19 2021-12-21 17:43
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DAO采用Web 3 技术实现缓解气候变化倡议的民主化

This is to deny the fact that global warming could affect the present and the future of humanity. Since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, there have been a number of global initiatives to prevent further climate damage, including the Conference of the 26 Parties (COP).

So far this great plan and agreement has had two characteristics. First, he relied on politicians and big business to move the process forward. Second, these meetings seem to be action-packed, but there isn't enough guarantee of success.

What is the result? Many people around the world feel excluded from discussing such important issues. In addition, supporting sustainable development was a challenge and a turning point, and the target was not met. This situation had to be changed for the better, and the finance ministry was challenged.

About the District Fund

The Global Fund is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) focused on climate change, advising all stakeholders on environmental protection and using Web 3.0 and blockchain technology to achieve this goal.

Regarding DAO's role, Alex Vergara, Global Fund Director of Community and Communications, said:

DAO is very important for the participation of democracy. Vergara said the city's affluent communities "will follow research, vote with a vision of openness and independence, prevent outside interference and provide financial support for the most important work that can have the greatest impact."

The security of the Global Fund for the future depends on efforts to make decisions that will satisfy the public with such protection. These funds offer alternative approaches to central leadership such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26).

The community platform can reach professionals and help them identify areas of support and funding needed. Lucy Tweed, the organization's main weather consultant, is an expert.

Lucy explains the differences between the Global Fund and other platforms. “The Global Fund is amazing billionaire funding, which is not a donation to the black box where you don't know where the money is going. Projects.”

The Global Fund worked with the KuCoin exchange to launch its own cryptocurrency. 1Earth Coin is an ERC-20 token that provides power and control privileges, allows users to become DAO members, and provides voting rights for major issues on the platform.

operation and planning

Global Revenue has performed well over the past year, notably reaching a critical 200,000 members "Thanks to the failure of COP 26". At the same time, the Global Fund has doubled the impact of the OCO Crew, the global reforestation and carbon capture project.

The platform prepares for pre-implementation tasks such as launching CAD user tests and deploying custom tools and integrations. It also aims to expand the Discord channel and improve its treasury equipment.


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Tags: DAO Web3
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