Korea's First Income Tax Return in Dalian

数字法币研究社 view 35957 2022-1-1 16:30
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On December 17, after the completion of the first pre-commercial online tax and payment services of digital yuan and financial services, on December 17, the Dalian branch of the Agricultural Bank of China in China completed the first redemption activity digital tax in the country's renminbi. The first achievement in Dalian, China Revenues from financial sector recovery include all incidents.

On the same day, Wang, a resident of Lushunkou District, Dalian City, received a digital tax refund fund of 2,864.68 yuan from the state budget. “Before paying cash taxes, I needed a tax return to meet legal requirements, but I had to do it at a financial company. Now I can use the RMB digital app to collect money. 'money back to me at the touch of a button, "said. Wang. Very easy! "

The Renminbi Digital Tax Refund Project is considered a new form of tax refund initiated by the Dalian City Center of the People's Bank of China in collaboration with the National Tax Administration, Dalian Tax Office and the branch of the Agricultural Bank of China in Dalian. . With the traditional payment method, digital RMB payment is more efficient, convenient and secure. . Taxpayers simply need to open their renminbi digital wallet and request a tax refund. The banking and tax authorities are directly responsible for reviewing the information. Once the competition is over, the tax refund can be sent to the taxpayer's wallet.

Use the digital renminbi as a tax refund, solve public issues to and from tax authorities and the bank, reduce initial public access to financial services, and allocate taxpayers' need for personal financial services to earn more money. 'information to meet and operate, and less public operations.

According to the report, as of this year, the Dalian Tax Office completed the first pre-digital RMB tax on health insurance and completed the first digital RMB tax in Dalian, creating a tight integration of digital RMB. Renminbi combines social security and human health, expands digital renminbi application scenarios in Dalian City government departments, and achieves a blend of financial innovation and technology.


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