Don't try to understand bitcoin

CYC Labs view 38 2021-8-6 16:38
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Hard processes are often used without understanding, and Bitcoin is no exception. One of the most common attacks on Bitcoin holding that I still hear is “I don't understand what it is or how it works”.

You may have read this article on your phone or computer screen. So think about it.

Do you know how the on-screen text is sent to the device?

Do you know how TCP / IP or HTML works? Do you know the meaning of this text?

Did you know that the computer in your hand converts information into photons that reach your eyes?

I think I don't know. You don't know how this product works. You might not have it at all, but when you check your iPhone screen time, you can see the incredible usage of devices and devices that cannot be explained.


Adults spend an average of 3.5 hours a day on their mobile phones. But you don't need to know how these systems work. Because you just have to find the value in the system.

Let's look at several possible solutions: finances and investing. You can earn money every month, deposit money in the bank, pay your bills with the debit card, and make withdrawals on time.

Do you know how your bank benefited and solved business problems?

Does Robinhood know how to manage an account with your product and trade for you?

Do you know how the Fed "decides the monetary policy of the country"?

Even if you work in financial systems, you don't seem to understand how those systems work. Often the operators of these systems have no reason to help understanding. They often have an advantage in concealing their mode of operation from the outside world. Even if you don't understand how these processes work, you interact with them on a daily basis because you understand the value of everyone in your life.

understand the value

Understanding what or how they work is not a prerequisite for finding their value, and Bitcoin is no exception. You can see its value without thinking as if you have a deep understanding of how it works or what it is. In addition,The more you join Bitcoin and the sooner you know the value of Bitcoin, the more you can get. Because others are starting to realize that Bitcoin can bring value to their lives.

Bitcoin "Flash" is when viewing the device as needed. The most convenient sentence described in funds are often enough to do this.

Bitcoin is a robust, predictive asset that can be sent anywhere in the world in seconds and stored securely in your mind.

To be honest, I won't explain how these jobs work because you don't need to know. All you need to do is make sure this is all true like confirming that your check will arrive in your account or the email you just sent to your account Admin will arrive in your inbox. . We will discuss this guarantee later.

So how can Bitcoin help you, what do you need? Maybe you need ...

Eliminate 9-5 year olds by buying income to make products.

Save until you retire and protect yourself from inflation.

Avoid tyranny and change your savings through financial institutions or government oppression.


I want to buy a business that pays me so I depend on this income without working 9-5. Why are today's businesses so incredibly overvalued in terms of their profits? Why would investors keep companies at such crazy prices?


Assets that pay you back are an important part of your financial freedom, but their value has become unreasonable.

We need to look at how central banks have implemented monetary policy, which means pushing the ball recently.printed silver. The Fed increased revenues by 24% last year alone.This makes cash less efficient at retaining its value, leading investors to turn to other assets.

Traders don't sit down with cash, they buy commodities and invest in stocks that even the markets can't trust, so it's hard for me and you people to work as as an employee or craftsman, by buying valuable products at a reasonable price.

Investors did not buy the business for the benefits they created, but wanted to sell it for a higher price in the future.Buyers are likely to call whatever seems appropriate, if there are only a few..The creation of venture capital firms is less and less difficult compared to government regulatory competition.—— Especially when these governments tell them they are ready to print unlimited money.

Some traders are now starting to realize that there is little treasure there, and they have dumped it on them. It is a unique asset due to its robust and predictable properties. This asset is called Bitcoin.

Save protection

I want to increase my savings so that I can rest more easilyInflation is still rising quietlyPeriodically, the savings and the value of your salary or wages. Why have prices increased so steadily over the past hundred years? It has nothing to do with the growth of the industry.Emphasize that our results are not strong and predictable. The currency we use today is created by intermediary banks and can be considered counterfeit. This brings all the benefits of the visit.


To protect your savings against the rising costs of goods and services in your home:You want currency that can be priceless.. All you need is cash without the bad interest rate, like almost all fiat currencies today. You need bitcoins.

escape tyranny

Things will get worse. Not only do you want to avoid fierce competition or save money, but you also face the threat of stealing your savings overnight due to protests or financial or government corruption. Bank cash can easily be frozen or seized. Good things can be taxed or imposed. Jewelry can be confiscated at the border. All you need is Bitcoin, which is portable and easy to protect.


East German troops jumped into West Berlin ("Leap of Freedom") with nothing but uniforms. Source: Time

What if you wanted to borrow everything and work until you die?

If that was you, you might not need Bitcoin. The World Economic Forum (WEF) predicts that by 2030 "you will have nothing." Everything is praised. Since you are happy to sit in your room at 70, you don't have to worry about the property having more income. Check your wardrobe this month and see if you can stock up on clothes.

If you want more freedom and self-determination in your life, Bitcoin can be to your advantage.

How can you trust the simple definition of Bitcoin?

You said you need to recognize that Bitcoin products make it a powerful tool for saving money and gaining independence.

How does Bitcoin provide the guarantees necessary to create a truly stable, easy-to-move, and secure asset and unit of account?

necessary details

Instead of reading every line of the Bitcoin code and cutting it off, we should go back to its story. We rely on responsibilities necessary for our daily life.

You don't risk your life reading your entire car manual while driving 70 mph on the highway. Given the name of the car and the fact that most of their friends can use their cars without reading the book, there's reason to believe it would be great.

You're not going (although sometimes you will eat) inspect every meal because you're sure the veggies in your grocery store won't hurt you.

We use the history and knowledge of others to measure every aspect of our life. Let's apply this to Bitcoin.

To make sure Bitcoin delivers on its promise of robust, fast, and secure storage, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

Will Bitcoin Have a Good History?

Can you use it to quickly change international rates?

Is it safe to store and use?

Product design and performance is good

The supply of Bitcoin ("inflation rate") is much higher than that of fiat., the latter is subject to the whims of a few strong people.


Bitcoin's estimated value for money is comparable to changes in the volatility of the US dollar.

Bitcoin time is slower than other payment methods and less than daily payments like Visa or FedWire.

The estate has never been depressed and has grown rapidly and received hundreds of millions of dollars in value in line with inflation for over 12 years., we can be sure that he predicted the future.

Of course, it will not depreciate more estimates and consistently than the US dollar!

Fast exchange rates around the world

If you are trying to send money to someone else in another country and you can't pay full price in a few days, please let me know.It is our business tradition. It is bulky and expensive.

Bitcoin no matter where you were born or the size of your business.All you need is an internet connection and a Bitcoin payment provider to announce the transaction and complete the payment within minutes.

People do this with Bitcoin every day, exchanging millions of dollars in cash and without a hitch. Approximately 150,000 Bitcoins have entered the Bitcoin blockchain daily in the past 12 months. You can be sure that the transition will be the same.


secure storage

No other asset can match the security and mobility of Bitcoin. Put some in your wallet or in an app on your phone and see for yourself. If you keep the start word and password that you set up, you can crack your wallet and get your bitcoins back with the start word you wrote down. Remember you can take them anywhere. Put a gold bar in your head and escape the hostile land.

Since the creation of the Bitcoin network, more and more people trust their savings on the Bitcoin network. You don't have to look far to see the value of Bitcoin and the rise of addresses and wallets.

The process itself has never been hacked. No one has lost Satoshi Nakamoto (one hundred million Bitcoin) due to the error protocol. This goes beyond the necessary guarantee of security.

But ... it's not stable!

Importantly, it would be wrong to adjust the price of Bitcoin based on the evidence of Bitcoin products, since the market value does not have one asset, but two assets: the bottom asset and the assets are mentioned. When you look at the value of Bitcoin, you see prices in US dollars, euros, or other fiat currencies that are not very stable and predictable.

Giving fiat currency and understanding that these assets can be traded due to central bank rules has a major impact on real estate. Watch the S&P 500 fall as Fed policy changes and announces.Bitcoin is affected by this exchange when prices in the United States or in other fiat currencies.. This volatility is exacerbated by volatile demands for very new and fraudulent assets and the bullish and speculative supply of Bitcoin. If you're willing to wait three or four years, the bitcoin you buy will usually increase in fiat currency, but that will change during that time.

The ambiguity of demand for new assets, combined with Bitcoin's support and predictability, has led to more unrest. If you are willing to wait three or four years, there may be a few changes during this period, but Bitcoin's value will generally increase to its legal value.

Despite the price fluctuations, the Bitcoin network continues to operate. The old stuff is still kept.

What is Bitcoin for you?

In order to "understand" Bitcoin, you must ask yourself, not what Bitcoin is, but what Bitcoin has done for you, your loved ones, and our lives.

For me, this is the best and most efficient way to save money. Money is a technology like the Internet or automobiles, but it has a longer history and is more important for peaceful work and human development. Making "fair" money means peace or war, it means the life and death of man and man.

Instead of trying to understand Bitcoin, try to understand how Bitcoin is changing: our existing global financial system. Start here.


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